Thursday, September 17, 2009

The perfect award to sum up me ... LOL Over the top Award

I'm so sick haven't put make up on in 4 days, thankfully I have showered so you can come kind of close to me. I haven't gone to work the last 2 days and I'm sure that is going to something, but I better keep this to myself. So I'm taking it easy today you know only sitting in front of my computer for like 8 hours ... just playing.
One of my favorite bloggers Amy @ In the Tiger Den..... tagged me with this Meme and I thought what a perfect day to put it up since my head is a little swimming still from all this medicine.

Annisa (Over the top)

It's truly 'Over the top'..........

Here are the rules for the Over the Top Award:USE ONLY ONE WORD! It’s not as easy as you might think. Copy and change the answers to suit you and pass it on. It’s really hard to use only one-word answers.

1. Where is your cell phone? Cole

2. Your hair? short

3. Your mother? Over-the-top (LOL)

4. Your father? Jet-Ski (his new toy)

5. Your favorite food? Any ... LOL oh ok Italian

6. Your dream last night? None (That requires sleep)

7. Your favorite drink? COFFEE

8. Your dream/goal? Skinny-jeans

9. What room are you in? Home-Office

10. Your hobby? kids

11. Your fear? kids

12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Sane (or a padded room)

13. Where were you last night? Same (same bat channel, same bat time, always)

14. Something that you aren’t? boring

15. Muffins? top (LOL I couldn't resist, thinking of those skinny jeans)

16. Wish list item? Sanity (that or no screaming I'm thinking sanity may come first)

17. Where did you grow up? Washington

18. Last thing you did? work

19. What are you wearing? PJ's

20. Your TV? Dinner:Impossible

21. Your pets? none (and no Rick we can not have a dog)

22. Friends? Life-Line

23. Your life? Circus

24. Your mood? sick

25. Missing someone? grandparents

26. Vehicle? Sorento

27. Something you’re not wearing? makeup

28. Your favorite store? Walmart (Yup I'm ch
eap and have become white trash)

29. Your favorite color? pink

30. When was the last time you laughed? Earlier (Cole somedays that boy is on fire)

31. Last time you cried? weeks

32. Your best friend? Many

33. One place that I go to over and over? Walmart (yup I never can have enough TP)

34. One person who emails me regularly? work

35. Favorite place to eat? Home

And let's see who to give it to, I think you all deserve it a few of you that comment on a regular basis that rock:

Amy @ Keeping up with the Schultz Family who is an amazing person and bloggy friend. She is a huge inspiration and keeps me grounded and is always there! Muah Poser

Debby @ JUST BREATHE who is one inspirational lady, she always brings a smile to my face and let's me know my craziness is just nuts and that's why she loves me ... ok I may be stretching it but don't you just love it. But truly she is an amazing lady that I was very happy to find in this bloggy world. Check out her other blog also FOR YOUR TEARS she sends out amazing handkerchief to women that have lost babies, it is an amazing thing she does! Muah love ya Debby!

Randi @ Beauty Be Good you must check her blog out for all types of fashion and beauty and just because she is just so sugar sweet that I would love to have a miniature version of her in my pocket!

Kristie is the one who got me on the quiche kick and is so fun to read :)

Robyn @ An Alaskan Family a wonderful lady that shows you beautiful pictures of Alaska and is just a great person.

Suzana @ She is a wonderful blogger also, check out all the fun reviews, shoes to die for and fun tips and tricks :)

Jennifer @ The Causey Clan she's one of my new followers and just love when she stops by plus she has monkey's on her header also!

The Jacobsen Family! is a wonderful inspiration blog and she also just makes me smile!

jewelryandgiftsbyrebecca you must check her blog out, she gave me the amazing idea for jello popcicles and she does amazing jewelery you'll just have to check out!

There are a few more of you I love to read but the screen is looking like a blur so I must stop and go take a nap. Sorry if I missed you, love ya all!


  1. Like the word "life-line" for friends...

    BTW... I got my package in the mail yesterday with the crochet hot pads... will MOST DEFINITELY get use out of these babies!! Thanks!!!

  2. I hope you feel better soon.
    Thanks for the kind words, now get off the computer and have a nice hot cup of tention tamer and chill!

  3. You are way to kind. I love having you as my dear friend too. You exhaust me and I'm just sitting at my computer. Love the contests too.
    You deserve that award and thank you for passing it on to me. Or should I say thank you for the work you have layed before me! I love getting awards, they give me something to blog about.
    Hope your feeling better.
    God Bless you dear friend.

  4. you wanna me in your POCKET!!!! LOL! thanks for the shoutout.. i actually like these things.. look for mine tomorrow!! btw- that pic of you and your hair... gorgeous!!

  5. sucks that you are so sick. Brian is too...migranes so bad they make him hurl.
    Hope you feel better very soon!

  6. Congrats on your awards! You deserve them!

  7. Congrat girlie and thank you :) I'll post about this over the weekend :)

  8. Cute list. I can't wait to do this one, it looks like fun.
    Feel better honey.

  9. Hey there Poser,

    At least you are taking showers and do not smell. J/k coming right over with the soup and lots of tissues for you. Loved your twist on this. Why no dog? I love the hair I mean him. Have a great day and get better my friend. Thanks for the shout out. I did this awhile back I will have to find it and send you the link. Poser out.

  10. Great post.... and congrats on the award!! So sorry you are under the weather, hope you are feeling better soon. I told you that you were doing way too much and that you should be in bed the other night!!
    Hope you have a great weekend!!

  11. What a fun award! Congrats and thanks for sharing it with me! I can't promise that I'll get to it, but I'll definitely try!

    I hope you are feeling better! :-)


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!