Friday, September 4, 2009

Vacation Already? Crap I need to pay another day of daycare!

So Cole started Kindergarten on Tuesday and I found out today that Friday and Monday are off for the Holiday! Man I really need to read that silly handbook! Crap, where to get the time. Do you think it would be too much to ask for it on Audio CD? I mean that is the only way I get threw a book these days!

Well that was until Sunday when my CD player in the car died. Yup CD is in it says CD in on the screen, you push CD button and it then says No CD? What the heck. Now the point that torques me off, I told Rick about this and yup you got it still no CD working in my car! Let me just say if this was his car he would have it into the shop and fixed right away no matter the cost. Me on the other had can go with out but would LOVE for him to at least to look at it!!! REALLY come on dude we park our cars right next to each other would it be so hard to step to the left open up the passenger door and look at my CD player???? I know silly questions, silly girl!

So there it is my little complaining day ... LOL! So no school on Friday, to daycare again. Yeah I get to pay daycare along with the monthly fee that I already pay to the school no matter how many days we go! And a CD player on the fritz. Good note Monday is a Holiday and work pays no matter if I'm scheduled or not a paid Holiday! Yeah so I get paid for Monday from them plus you know it I'll still be working for my part time job that day also! Whooo Hooo maybe I can make all the bills this month ;)

Plus a really quick thank you to my favorite poser that makes me smile and has such kind words that is always uplifting! Thank you Amy (Keeping up with the Schultz Family) for my amazing new Splash Award! Muah much love to you and everyone!

Ok plus a shameless plug for some much needed comments on a few giveaways I have up! Come on ladies you know you want to! PLEASE!

I'll have 2 new giveaways up this weekend also! Yup I said it so that means I have to do it! LOL :)


  1. Hey mama! Thanks so much for the wonderball! I got it in the mail yesterday :)
    Sorry to hear ab your cd player, that totally stinks!

  2. Hey Poser,

    What a week you will have next week. I hope all goes well. I know about things breaking and it taking awhile for it to get fixed. NO fun. Thanks for the shout out. I will be by later to see what you have to giveaway. See ya later poser.

  3. See I don't get it, why would they not just wait until after Labor Day to start school? Seems a bit ridiculous to me. Course maybe the teachers need the long weekend to comprehend their new lot and maybe drink a bit...

  4. poor thing.. and no CD player.. maybe you should just take it to the shop and if rick fusses say "welllll... you wouldn't look at it!!"... lol... have a great holiday wkend!!

  5. School should start after this holiday really :) hang in there girlie...sorry I'm kind of MIA this weekend...been so busy with my sisters birthday...too many days away from home!

  6. I agree with Randi... if Rick won't fix it, take it to somebody who will.
    Hope next week is great.
    I have the perfect place for you to post your gripes each Friday, take a look at this:

  7. Where does the time go???........seriously....I was all caught up on your blog, and now another week is gone.
    Totally feel for you about the CD player....ours is on the fritz for some reason right now.
    I think it was a full moon........oy.......


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!