Friday, October 2, 2009

Can I fix it? Life and Machines both!

Just a quick post today, I'm having a life crisis ... LOL. Not really just at a cross roads and I'm not sure which way to go, I know what my heart is tell me but do I go with that or listen to the support system in my life? Right now I'm just sure which will be the best option for me and my family. UGH I want to go with my heart and what I think will make me happy, but it may be a bit of scarfice for a few months. I'm at the take the life opportunity plung in and hope it works and will be long last one or stay with the other opportunity pray that it will get better. I want to walk with my heart and tug is tell me while my family is telling me no. I love them to death but they aren't the go with the unconviential decisions. They are my rational thinking partners, I'm a leap in and then think about it. More to come, hopefully I'll have more to tell.
And to show you what fun I did at work. My color laser printer is having a issue with red, it doesn't want to print red. I found online how to clean the "mirrors" sounds imple enough, right? So after 30 minutes and about 20 screws later I gave up. Yup after removing 2 layers of the machine I thought this can't be good if I go farther. So I put it back together, look at that all the screws went right back in! Then it happened the door in front wouldn't shut. I pushed I slammed, I had tears about to come and then I open the drawer and low and behold one of the cartridges wasn't in right. Yup when I turned it up side down the cartridges was dislodged. I fixed it and was about to jump for joy. Well that was until I printed again and the red is worse! Crap! Double crap I'm done, hands up, lead me to the right way please :).


  1. I pray you find the right path you want/need to take.
    Darn printers anyway! I just had to go buy a new one a couple weeks ago. OUCH!

  2. Pray about it and He'll tell you which way to go! I'll be praying for you too!

  3. You'll be in my prayers as you figure out which way to go with the decision you are facing. :-)

  4. I hope you are able to find the answer that feels right!

  5. If you need to talk about you have me email address. Sorry about the printer, that was allot of work.
    Hope you get it fixed.

  6. Wow a lot is going on. I hope all is well. I will be over to help you beat up your printer and then mine. It only prints when it wants to.

  7. My best to you I'm sure you'll figure it out.
    As for the printer I understand. The one at work was driving me nuts for a while finally fixed. The one at home well that I tried all kinds of things removing the ink cartridge turning on and off and on and off again and again. Only to notice after a week that the cable that hooks the printer to the computer had come loose and was not plugged in. Pushed it in and away it went.
    Duh head-desk moment.

  8. I can't even change the ink cartridge in my printer. I hope you find the answers you need.

  9. The only successful way to fix a printer is to drop it from a 3rd story window - DUH!

    And you totally know I'm praying. Change is always good - never easy, a lot of the time scary but always good :O)

  10. I hope you make the decision that is best for you.

    And I can't even believe you attempted to fix a printer. I never would have thought of it. You're so ambitious!

  11. It definitely sounds like you have got some tough decisions ahead of you. I'll make sure to lift you up in prayer over this one.

    The printer.. oh my!!!!

  12. awwww, well, I was coming by to catch up (it has been crazy busy week!) and to say I left you an award, and I say you left me one! MWAH! Come get yours!

  13. Oh, man, I hate office machinery!!
    Sometimes, don't you just want to throw it out of the window, then run it over with your car...TWICE!

    As for the other matter... I'm here, contact me if I can help. Otherwise... I know you will make the right decision, because you are a very smart woman who always takes to heart your family and your future. {{{ HUGS }}}

  14. I'm no help, but I really hope you find the right answers :)

    Printers are my worst enemies LOL


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!