Thursday, October 15, 2009

My Week Home So Far ....

Wow I can't believe it's been a week since I've been since I've been laid off. Life has a funny way of turning out, well that is one way to think of it. I think with faith I've been lead down a new path and cant' be more happy! I've been blessed with a great company that I've been working for part time to bring me on more. I'm able to be home with Caden, off to pick Cole up and do things that mommy has missed so far. Very lucky and feel very blessed and great for this amazing company that has so much faith in me!

Ok who ever said working from home was easy and distracting has no clue what they are saying. I've haven't been this busy in forever! My old job that I loved kept me ok busy but most days sadly I ran out of things and I was always going around asking for work or having to act busy. Nothing like now! I love being busy it makes the day go by so fast! Plus this company is so family oriented and understand when I have to clock out for a half hour to get Cole ready or run to the school! I'm telling you God answered all my prayers and I will put forth my best and hope they love me as much as I love them.

So little Caden is now home with me and loving his time to play with toys with out Cole stealing them back. We've been having lot's of fun around here and I've been cooking up a storm. I've done laundry, but haven't folded it in days! Oh yes I'll post a picture so you can laugh soon! Off to bed I go I work early now, so I get off early too which is great to cook, clean and be with the kids! Thank you for all the well wishes!

As for friends I want to say thank you again to you guys and the well wishes I received more for you who only know me thru my blog then my IRL friends. A few that I have know for many years received my email when I was leaving my old office telling them not to email there anymore due to being laid off, have not given me the time of day. I know co-works and I'm dealing with that! But real life friends, these ones that are suppose to be there for can't even send a text or an email? I mean really I don't need a call, but a little email or text saying sorry would be nice! Crap I think I've run over and given my time and goodies. Ok I'm stepping down, just really disappointed in people.

Fun things that happen this week! Caden and Cole got USPS stickers and put them on, maybe I can ship them off? LOL Caden decided he needed to help cook, yup with no pants! Bottom Right is Caden in full on cheese face, who knew why you need to eat the food! And why not end with 82 paperclip pick up on the floor! LOL the joy of being home can make you cry, laugh and scream but it's good to be with them! LOL :) Much love and again thank you!!

Oh yes I forgot funny thing about posting about your life people actually read it ... LOL. I love this! When I met Lauren this weekend she asked is that the shirt from the wedding. I almost died that she first would remember the story and remember the shirt. Yes the shirt that I bought threw on and went to the wedding. Sat thru the service and stood in the greeting line for 15 minutes before a nice lady behind me told me my sales tag was sticking out! Yup price, size all there to view! Lord she probably thought I was going to return it! LOL Thanks Lauren and everyone else that really read my rambling post!


  1. LOL! I'll read your rambling posts anyday girlie! What are friends for if they don't care about your life, right? :) I love that you're loving your job. Good for you! Glad it's been a good fit. :)

  2. I'm glad everything is working out so well for you!

  3. Should I say I TOLD YOU SO? Just kidding - I won't because I really didn't know...and if it didn't turn out so well you can bet your fluff I would be running away - very fast...far far away.... LOL

    Love the pics of the kids! I SO have to get some work done and I still have your giveaways to enter. ACK! What to do...what to do...

  4. Great pics of the kids! I need to do some randomness, too. I feel like I can sum up a lot of things rolled into one post. :)

  5. It does take a little getting used to people talking out loud about your blog, at first that made me uncomfortable, now I have learned to integrate it with my life.

    And working at home is a TON more work in a way.

  6. Girl, how the heck are you? Sorry to hear about your job situation but glad you getting in some quality time with your little guy. Trying to get more back into blog hopping now that it's cold and I'm home more. Have a great weekend.

  7. Girl I am so sorry I didn't read you were laid off. :(

    I love how you find the positive in the situation :)... I hope it continues LOL,, totally kidding :)

    I have been home for a year and maybe just maybe I will get another job. But this one at home seems the most entertaining.. I would have nothing to blog about if I wasn't there.

    Have a great weekend with your family. Big hugs and kisses to ya girlie


  8. I am so happy for you. It's the first week so you will get all the kinks worked out. Cayden cracks me up with that smile. Can he say "cheese" any wider!! Best of luck to you on your new venture.
    Take care & God Bless.

    Get that tag off. I actually know someone who does wear and return.
    It makes me sick!

  9. That lay off is turning out to be a blessing in disguise! Same thing happened to me!

  10. they are just waaaaaaay cute in the pics! you can ship em' to my house.. i might only keep them a couple of hours.. and ship em' back.. but hey you know, it would be at least a tiny break!!!!

    have a wonderful wkend dear!!!

  11. I'm so glad to hear that you are at home now. It does sounds like you are crazy busy..but it sounds like you have more time to spend with your family too. You deserve the best!

  12. Working from home never was easy LOL glad things are working out girlie :) cute pictures as always!

  13. I am so glad things are working out so wonderfully for you!! It is fun being home with the kids, even though it DOES get crazy! =) Looks like you're having a blast, and the kids are clearly enjoying it too! Awesome!!
    Big hugs!

  14. I am just SO glad that it's all working out! Things have a way of doing that, don't they?

  15. I'm glad things are working out for you...
    Do the kids go flat rate? heh heh

  16. From what I heard in the news you can put them in balloons, oh sorry that was not nice!

    I just read about the job...sorry! I am un employed too! Got the news after I left Texas, and kind of been up and down on the whole idea of being a house wife...I will take the boys C.O.D. ASAP...give me something to do, they are so darn cute, well the whole damn family is!

  17. I'm so happy for you... you sound like you are having a great time working at home with your kids. They really look like they are having a great time with you around. Love the half-nekked pictures of them, but if you ARE gonna maile them, I suggest pants, it can get a little cold outside!!
    Send them my way, I miss my boys so much, they'll fill the gap. :-)


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!