Sunday, November 22, 2009

(CLOSED) Exergen TemporalScanner Giveaway

I don't need to tell you we are in the cold season, for some reason it hit my family (or more me) for months a while back. Now we know mom is never suppose to be sick but even we're we are sick we still need to function. What is worse then mommy being sick is when the kids are sick too!

Picture this you're sleeping in bed when you hear your child screaming you run in there and touch there sweaty forehead and just know they have a fever. I must admit I think I've tried every thermometer out there and have not been a fav of many. You have the under the tongue but really what kid you know loves having a poky (usually cold) item shoved under their tongue? I mean come on I even hate those when I go to the doctor and they make me do it (my mind wanders and I want to rip the thing out). Then you have under the armpit, this always gets giggles and a bunch of no's from the boys. Let's not even go there with the one that goes in a different regein of the body I'm sorry that is just wrong! Unless you are Melman from Madagascar this is not the option you head right for.

So what do you do? You can go out and be like me buy these cheap ones that are small you loose (buy a new one and find the other one in the couch). You start with the baby one and the infant one and then you work your way up to the one we remember as kids (or parents weren't crazy like us they didn't get into the hype of buying for each age group). Why do we do this to ourselves?

Instead check out Exergen TemporalScanner it really is the most amazing gadget that is sturdy (yes the boys put it to test) and is a good size that it doesn't fall into the couch cushions and get lost for months ... or ok years! It's so simple and can be done even on a sleeping child. You know those nights that you're up late watching them as they sleep when they don't feel good! You simple take the Exergen TemporalScanner and gentle slide it over the forehead. I know isn't that easy? It captures the heat from the skin over the temporal artery, takes 1,000 readings per seconds. Yup no doubts now about it being more accurate than an ear thermometer now. Ok Some of you are asking what is the temporal artery it is the same temperature as the blood flowing from the heart. It's the best way to determine the bodies temperature.

I told you this will be a life saver when you run out of bed for the screaming kid (even the big kind we call husband) and trying to dig threw our medicine cabinet along the way stubbing our toe, turning on the lights blinding ourselves all the way thinking where the heck is that small little thing? So for a little sanity along with your mental health knowing you're getting an accurate reading check out the Exergen TemporalScanner I promise your toes and eyes and oh yeah the love ones in your life will thank you. Nothing is better than a happy mommy while others are sick :).

The best part is I get to share one with you! One lucky reader will win a Exergen TemporalScanner for themselves or hello it's almost Christmas what a great gift!

Simply glide it over the forehead to get a quick reading.
BUY IT: TemporalScanner at select stores range from $39.99 to $49.99.

WHERE TO BUY: They are available at Wal-Mart, Babies R' Us,, Walgreens,, Toy's R' Us,, and presently. Contact Exergen at 1-800-422-3006 or if none of these are convenient for you.

WIN IT: Tell me a thermometer story. Yup an easy one.

1st Entry MUST be done before any of the extra entries. SUPER easy.

EXTRA ENTRIES - Do as many as you like just leave a separate comment for EACH:

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  4. Sign up for Networked Blogs (facebook - located on the right side) (3 Extra Entries)
  5. Head over to TemporalScanner and let me know something you learned
  6. Enter my Edens Fantasys $25 GC by 11/22/09
  7. Enter my How to Score Book Giveaway 5 Winners by 11/22/09
  8. Enter my Seduce Me Book Giveaway 5 Winners by 11/22/09
  9. Enter my Close Encounters of the Third Grade Kind 5 Winners by 11/22/09
  10. Enter my Fierce Style Book Giveaway 5 Winners by 11/22/09
  11. Enter my Connected Book Giveaway 5 Winners by 11/29/09
  12. Enter my Make it Fast, Cook it Slow Giveaway by 11/30/09
  13. Enter my King Arthur Flour Giveaway by 12/01/09
  14. Enter my C.Belly Belts Giveaway by 12/07/09
  15. Blog about the giveaway or on your side bar (3 Extra Entries)
Giveaway ends 12/07/09 Only residents of the U.S. or Canada are eligible to win.

FCC Disclaimer: I was not paid for this review these are my opinions and experiences, I received products to try and to tell how I liked them. No monetary or any other form of compensation was given to me. I review products free of charge to give my experience and opinion


  1. Wow, that would have been great to have over the past few weeks. Although being sick myself I was just happy if I could help the little ones blow their nose without getting off the couch.

    Cool gaget!!!

  2. I work in a Preschool and we have 30 or so lousy thermometers that will give you 30 different readings, and they take forever to register. This would make things mcuh easier.

    Thanks for the giveaway

  3. i had no idea that taking a temp in the ear is not accurate! Ive been doing it for a long time!

  4. I have been using an ear one for a few years and my daughter hates it she kicks and screams and i figured it was never accurate this one seems so easy and quick.

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  10. follow u thru networked blogs. 3. amy bolda pugmire.

  11. I don't have much of a thermometer story. All I know is that the kids hate the digital one and it is next to impossible to get an accurate reading on it! (I don't think it even works on me and I'm not fighting it! LOL!) Anyway-I would LOVE one of these! :-)

    khmorgan_00 [at] yahoo [dot] com

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    khmorgan_00 [at] yahoo [dot] com

  16. I learned that "Arterial temperature is the same temperature as the blood flowing from the heart".

    khmorgan_00 [at] yahoo [dot] com

  17. I entered the Eden Fantasys giveaway.

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  22. All our fancy thermometers have been broken for years now... I get embarrassed when the pediatrician asks me how high my child's fever was... I just say, I felt her and it's high. I just haven't found a good thermometer!


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  25. In 2007, TemporalScanner became the world's first self-disinfecting thermometer!


  26. entered Make it Fast, Cook it Slow giveaway!


  27. yeah... Do you know how hard it is to get a 'close' oral temp when the patient can't breathe through their nose?? I took my daughter to the doc last year with just that problem... Even though I made a point of saying 'I know you can't breathe, but hold your breathe and do your best...' Yeah... he said she had a 'reverse' fever... grrr

  28. Entered Connected book giveaway!


  29. We still have the under the tongue one and it isa pain to use. this would be oh so easy

  30. About the time when I had used the thermometer on my baby and hadn't had a chance to clean yet when hubby pipes up with I think I have a temp and popped it in his mouth....ewwwww!

  31. With a gentle stroke of the forehead it captures the naturally emitted heat from the skin over the temporal artery, taking 1,000 readings per second, selecting the most accurate.

  32. The only thermometer story I have is that a while back I had to participate in a clinical study and had to take my temperature every day.

    I went through three thermometers!

  33. Hey, went to TemporalScanner and they are available at Target!

  34. I entered Close encounters of a third grade kind

  35. My thermometer story is: you can imagine how well the rectal situation goes. So we bought an ear thermometer. Which he still wriggles away from and is really, really difficult to take. So I'd love to add this to our thermometer collection.

  36. The Exergen Temporal Scanner is available at Babies R Us and at Target! Easy!

  37. All we have is an oral one and try getting a kid with a sore throat and a bad cough to keep their mouth closed long enough for it to read!

  38. story: hows about when my husband and I were taking our child's rectal temp and looked at each other and said 'so this is what Friday nights look like now!'... :P

  39. My thermometer story is from my own childhood. I was home sick as a teen and my mom called from work to instruct me to take my temperature. I told her it was 104. So, she told me to get in a tub of cold water and call her back in 5 minutes. This time she asked me to read the numbers to her. I put my mom in a panic for an actual reading of 100.4

  40. I entered the Make it Fast, Cook it Slow Giveaway.

  41. I entered the King Arthur Flour Giveaway.

  42. My son came down with a fever. Taking temps under the arm is such a pain for them when they are not feeling well. Hope I win this,thanks.

  43. the ear therm we use is not the most accurate and yes it is that time of year! thanks for the opp

  44. When I was growing up we had old school thermometers...the glass kind with mercury in them. Once I accidentally broke one. Oh. my. did my mom freak out. She cleaned and cleaned that spot, and wouldn't let us within ten feet until she was done.

  45. I don't have a story exactly, but more of a thermometer don't :) When I had my first child I thought an ear thermometer would be the way to go. Oh so new and accurate right?

    I go suspicious one day and took my own temp like 3 or 4 times. Not one was the same and hardly considered close. It was awful!

    I've been lusting after one of these bads boys ever since, lol. I went w/ a cheap rectal model that my kids hate :\

    Sorry guys! lol

    poonico at gmail dot com

  46. following via networked blogs

    Thanks, I didn't know about this one and it will be very helpful!!!

    poonico at gmail dot com

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    poonico at gmail dot com

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  49. Let's just say that we learned how to take the most accurate temperature when our little one was just a month old because we were "told" the most accurate way is down there... I think having this may have been a bit easier!

  50. I learned that they now have a home model for the entire family.

  51. I entered your C.Belly Belts Giveaway.

  52. I have wanted one of these for so long! I put one on my registry, but got a cheapie one instead. Having a new baby I think I need something a lot better.

    Great Giveaway!!

  53. I have an ear thermometer. My Son just 2 weeks ago had an ear/sinus infection, one of these would have come in handy. His ear drum was about to explode, image how bad I felt knowing I was shoving that thing in his ear.

  54. Just wanted to add to your endorsement - I have one of these and it is so totally awesome!!!!!! I highly recommend it! It they just need to come out with a model that is pink/purple and sparklie :O)

  55. I have a toddler and an infant, and one day my toddler managed to reach the baby's thermometer on the changing table. Luckily I caught her before it ended up in her mouth - it was a rectal thermometer! We clean it before and after each use, but still! Eeewww. I'd love to rid myself of that problem!

  56. I learned that arterial temperature is the same temperature as the blood flowing from the heart.

  57. I've always had a regular thermometer that you never know if the reading is correct or not! This looks like a great thermometer! Thanks for the chance to win!

    coolnatty12 at yahoo dot com

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  68. I started with the ear...but after so many skewed temps, I finally went back to tooshie. but seriously. I have been pooped on, peed on, had a huge fear of breaking something...sigh. What story do you want I got a bunch of gross ones.

  69. That it takes over 1,000 readings per second and that it is almost impossible to miss and not get a correct temp.

  70. My story is simple. I broke a thermometer when I was shaking it down a bit too vigorously and hit the side of the sink.


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  74. I learned that the most accurate place to take a temperature is at the center of the heart.


  75. My thermometer story is that my oldest was sick and I went to get out thermometer, but I didn't think it was working (he was burning up, but the thermometer read nothing higher than 98 degrees). SO I sent hubby to the store to get a new one- he brought it bak, we opened the package to use it and it was broken too. This was only in the past month or so. I need a new (working) thermometer!

  76. A few years ago, we had a digital thermometer but the readings were in celcius and I always had to go online to find out what the reading was in fahrenheit. One time, a relative was visiting and took her temperature and I asked if she knew how to convert it to fahrenheit. She said "Sure, just press this button". The whole time there was a button on it to convert it from celcius to fahrenheit and we somehow didn't notice.


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  78. We have a thermometer that goes in your ear. I had to buy it at 3 in the morning when my son was 6 months old. I had bought a pacifier thermometer when I was pregnant. Since I didn't have children yet, I really didn't understand that a baby screaming his head off at 3 am would not leave a pacifier in his mouth, let alone long enough to get a temperature reading from it. Chalk that one up to a learn as you go thing.

  79. The girls are fascinated with thermometers and always want to take their temp except when they are sick.
