Friday, November 13, 2009

Jumpstart Escape from Adventure Island Wii Giveaway

I'm very excited to share with you again JumpStart a wonderful company that is geared to helping kids learn with fun games that make them want to play along. A while back Cole had the chance to try out the computer and internet game, that has become a HUGE hit in our house. Cole will come home asking to play his homework!

Did you know that Christmas is coming very soon? Yup I totally didn't think about it to until I see all these ads for toys and other things I can't live with out. Now I have a rule when buying toys for the kids 80% has to be educational. Now I know some people don't like video games for their kids but I know also that having things kids enjoy and help their mind and imagination grow. My dad use to put my spelling words on a computer game, and believe me it was fun and I remember it to this day how much I loved it!

The newest game is JumpStart Escape From Adventure Island (Wii) for ages 5 - 9. The goal of the game is to collect sand dollars to buy a helium tank to get you off the island you crashed on. The game starts just like the computer game does by picking the character, how they dress etc (Cole's favorite part). You go to different parts of the island and under sea to gain sand dollars. Now Cole was to Wii you had a harder time with the remote in both hands to control his man. The games were challenging and required help from a parent. My girlfriend was super nice and allowed us to invaded her house and her Wii. She was super helpful with Cole going threw all the different stages of the game. Now Cole is learning his letters and numbers and is doing very well, but parts of the game require you to read a name to win the sand dollar. He did really well for a 5 year old, I'm thinking some kids maybe better at 6 at this game along with knowing how to use a Wii and it's controllers.

Overall I Love JumpStart and the way they help kids learn, I think we'll stick to the computer game for a few more months and then switch over to the Wii. That is if I find a good deal on one for Christmas present ;).

If you're looking for a great gift that will be a big hit with kids, this would be a great gift. Currently you can pick up your own copy at Amazon for $29.99. Not a bad deal for a hours of fun and learning!

Now head over to jumpstarts blog click on Contest Tab to enter or click the link here

  • The contest will be live from 11/2/09 to 11/16/09.
  • Each person will be allowed two entries into the contest (details on contest page)

The theme of the contest is “Time to Escape!”. We want to hear how your family uses imagination to escape the everyday and turn life into an adventure! Tell us your story for a chance to win.


  • 50 winners will receive a copy of JumpStart Escape From Adventure Island
  • 3 GRAND PRIZE WINNERS will receive a family Escape Pack (over $1000 value)!
    • 1 Nintendo Wii Console
    • 1 copy of JumpStart Escape From Adventure Island
    • $250 in spa gift certificates
    • 1 JumpStart branded flip camera
    • 3 lifetime JumpStart memberships (1 for winner, 2 to share)
    • 500 virtual coins for
    • 4 JumpStart pirate hats & 4 JumpStart kids T-shirts
And you know it I'm going for the grand prize a Wii, momma loves that idea ;)


  1. My kids would just love this special gift, I have a son with
    autism and I am sure it would keep
    him busy for quite a while

    jsrogers at shaw dot ca

  2. this sounds very cool..

    have a WONDERFUL wkend!!

  3. Sounds like a great contest.
    Good luck to you!

  4. This is great poser. Come on over and link it up to the Round Robin if you want. I know others would like to enter this..

  5. I would like to win this very
    great giveaway for my grandchildren.
    please count me in, I follow
    by google reader.

    cenya2 at hotmail dot com

  6. Can you give my bid to the 1st lady up top Alexis...the one with the child with Autism. Sounds like it would be great for him:)

  7. Oh duh....I just reread it....Dumb me!!! It is one you have to go visit the website and enter...Sorry!


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!