Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Weekend Wrap Wednesday ~ Christmas Pictures and House Happenings

This weekend was a slow then busy one as usual!
Thursday was meet the teacher day! I was SO freaked out! But it was good the only thing she commented on was his noise. That boys makes animal and train noises when he's bored! UGH but overall he was so good! He has improved on this letters and numbers! The Jumpstart game and those workbooks I've picked up at the dollar store are really helping!
Friday was a great day after work I picked up the boys and headed up to girlfriends house that I haven't seen in probably 9 years! I had a wii game I need to try out put a call out on facebook and their she was. Isn't that amazing and so nice to open her home! And get this the boys were on their best behavior. She actually commented on how good they were. I actually choked on my wine and had to really look at them and say wow really they are ... LOL.
Saturday I had a big plan get the house clean and get ready for Thanksgiving that will be here. Well that was a plan ... LOL. Instead I ended up working the morning then got sucked into answering my emails! I had over 300 of them ... ugh sorry everyone I just haven't had extra time to comment and read blogs. I think I've caught up on almost all of them! If not do worry I'll be by!
I did it I went back to McDonalds with the kids but it was ok, no bling butts like last time and the boys played and I was able to read a little. Very soothing, now I know we could stay home but there is just something about a room with a HUGE toy in the middle that draws the boys in!
Sunday we went to church and pastor Lonnie asked me about being baptized that I wanted to do this weekend but I'm having a hard time getting Rick to go. I'm working on him and really would love him to be there for that special moment. After church we went and met my parents at the mall where we walked around, they bought lunch for the boys and then we saw Santa. Who knew Santa was out before Thanksgiving! And guess what my mom had outfits for the boys in the car!!! I know she rocks and even better my dad bought the $32.95 CD of the pictures. Can you believe that for 10 pictures on a CD you pay $33!!!! Or you could pay $20 for one sheet, heck go for the cd and take it over to Costco for 17 cents and print like no tomorrow. I think I'll use the Santa and the Christmas Tree ones from last week for our cards. I hope to get those over to Costco (LOVE their Cards and so cheap) so I can get out this weekend.
And then you have today the do more road work and guess what they put in a new water line so that means no water from 8am to 5pm!!!! Yup no flushing the toilet either, thankfully Rick filed up so pots so we could before they shut it off! And they still aren't done with our road either ;( or soon we'll be back to normal!
So I know you've been waiting so here are the pictures!
Here are some of the pictures for the nursery
This place rocks!
Momma even got in for a few
Along with Monnie and Bapa
Things that drive Rick nuts
I was just complaining about running out of books
... then I open my door to this!
Yup all audio books!!!!
And I finally finished the books for Cole's Teacher
Then Monday I open my cabinet to find it was wet!
Guess what my roof was leaking :(
Crap ... thankfully it was just the plate for the hood of the stove
it slipped over but it's been happening a while
Now my ceiling now ... double crap!
And Caden-nator!
this week I've decided that I needed to rival Cole!
So I built a train track and wall in the hallway (yes all by himself)
Pull books out and make a book trail
Hide in the bedroom when I hear mom coming to see what I did (see my head)
Then mom makes a PB&J and I eat the inside
Then I smile because I love a Jelly face!
Yup that is a hole the whole length of my street!
And yes that is a man in that hole!
Caden and I had to walk to the car to pick up Cole
So we had to bundle since it was raining
Check out his turtle hat my MIL made!
And the Santa Pictures
I was so proud, last year Caden cried so hard!
I ended up standing behind the chair and holding him.
Yes my mom spiked Cole's hair ... LOL
One more day and I better get my butt in gear!
I've only cleaned the oven and my closet so far.
Crap my parents are coming over!!!
Love them but man they will always point out the dirt!


  1. Busy girl as usual. Wow look at all those books, crazy stuff! I Love all the pictures you put up here, the holiday ones look so sweet, great to use for Christmas cards.
    When are the suppose to be done with your road?

    OMG I love that turtle hat, so very cute!

    Happy Thanksgiving!


    WHOOO HOOOO!!!!!

    I hope someone takes a picture of that moment for you!!!

  3. Busy for sure! Sorry about the leak and your poor street, what a mess. Love the nursery pictures and the Santa pictures are wonderful. Love the turtle hat.
    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  4. beautiful pics!!

    and i am so happy for you that you are enjoying your church "family" as you do..

    have a wonderful and fabulous thanksgiving dear.. you sooo deserve!!!!

  5. My goodness, you have a whole lot of stuff going on.

    Tell your hubby the roof won't cave in if he goes to your baptism. Also nobody will baptize him w/o his consent, so no worries there.

    The leak would put me over the edge. I don't deal well.

    The pictures are darling!!

  6. I hope we can get Santa pictures too. We shall see have a great rest of the week. Good luck with all of that cleaning.

  7. Happy Thanksgiving, gosh I am not ready for Christmas yet!

    Beautiful family there, and thank goodness my mother-in-law does not come here, she is the original white glove-inater!

  8. The pictures are will all work out. It always does. just relax

  9. girlie hugs about the roof! Kidos look adorable, and so do you :) love the pictures :)
    Happy Thanksgiving Girlie :)

  10. You are one busy lady! Hope you have a great Thanksgiving!

  11. LOVE that turtle hat! Great pics of the boys... Go Grandma for having the outfits already! Love the one of you and the boys too...

  12. I have to admit I had a hard time at my husband's baptism.. I got baptised a month later.. But I still have a hard time with the church we attend.. We go to an Apolstolic church here in town..

  13. I forgot to tell you that I hope your husband will go with you to the baptism. Mine ended up going to mine w/my kids about 12 years ago. Also glad McDonald's was better this time.

  14. Happy Thanksgiving poser.. Love ya...

  15. Ok, where are you getting that picture from for your pics. I love that. Come on girl and give up the info. Happy Thanksgiving.

  16. All the Santa pictures and Christmas pictures turned out so nice! I've been debating wether I should take my kids to see Santa. I'm not sure how Blake would do-he might be okay, but Morgan would probably be in tears...maybe next year :-)

  17. Are you EVER going to slow down, girlie?? Your posts make me tired just READING them! But your photos always make me smile because your little men are so damned cute!!
    I love that turtle hat and the face on Caden is just darling.
    The Christmas pictures are the best I have seen this year, especially the one with Caden looking up into Santa's face.
    Hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful, and I'm sure your mom found the house just fine!!

  18. Congrats on the upcoming Baptism.....

    Glad you were able to avoid more bling butts! a crazy the trucks!......well, TigerBoy sure would......funny turtle hat!!!

  19. You have more going on in your life than I do. I need to stop whining!

    The Santa pictures are adorable! Love the outfits!

  20. Great photos of the kids with Santa.
    I got baptized a few months ago. I was shell shocked when my husband went with me. He never steps foot inside a church, but he did that day and it was even more special because of it.


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!