Friday, December 18, 2009

It's smelling a lot like Christmas around here!!!

No it's not the reindeer passing gas or Santa either ... heck all those cookies and milk have to be harsh on ones tummy! Opps got sidetracked ... I'm sorry I'm behind on posting I've been baking up a storm! I love making cookies and quickly giving them away! Times are tight and homemade cookies are not to hard to make so why not share them with my friends! Everyone seems to love them and it just takes one full night of baking and packaging them up. So take that Tim Gunn I saw your promo on Lifetime that people love homemade gifts but they think you're cheap. Far from it these cookies may not have cost me a bunch in money (well maybe a little extra I didn't pay attention to the account and did overdrawn ... oops) but it took me 2 full days, so time is money right?

This year I found the cutest plastic tins with locking lids one a Santa and one a Snowman (with pink of course) at the dollar store of all places! I decided this year I was going to do all bars, I love making cookies but I'm running out of time so I decided to make bars instead. Every cookie was turn into a bar, and I used every square pan along with 2 oval ones! Holly Molly who knew I could have this many cookies! I did deliveries today after I got done with work and even made a trip to the post office. I sent some to my boss and some to a special bloggy friend I'm doing a cookie exchange with! I cant' wait for them to get to her and see what she thinks. I was going to attempt caramels but I'm thinking next year!

Recipes to come on Monday :)

We Start with one of my favs:
Of course did you think I wouldn't do a pumpkin one?
Now these are sinfully good! They are now my favorite
These you saw a week ago, but were so yummy I added to my list
LOL totally forgot to put the chocolate drizzle on these
Chocolate - Drizzled Cherry Bars
These were last years favorites
These I took this recipe and adapted it to my own!
Part I
These are suppose to be mini cupcakes but I of course did bars
After all that I need a glass of wine
Oh yeah plus gave myself a blister! Knife cutting can do this!
Isn't that the perfect bandaid for my cooking .. LOL
Plus Caden of course thought it would be fun to stab the cookies!
I made double batches of all, except the buckeye I tripled.
These are the cute Santa and Snowman!
Look all lined up and packed ready to go out the door!
Even had a plate of different ones to take to the daycare lady.
Phew I'm tired been a long 2 days of baking and then delivering today. Plus I must work in the morning so off to bed I go :). Fun things coming this weekend for you to check out!


  1. Homemade cookies is a very "sweet" idea! I love it, and I would love to get homemade cookies from a friend since I am baking impaired! LOL!

  2. Man oh Man did you bake!!!!!!

    I love recieving baked goods, and always give them away each year:)


    Awwwww!!! Thank you! Thank you! That was so sweet of you to think of me and to send me one! The pictures turned out adorable! I love the one of Santa with the "oh" look on his face:) What cutie patooties your little guys are.

    And what a fun surprise to get in the mail. Thank you friend, and Merry CHRISTmas!

  3. LOVE Betty Crocker! You went crazy girlfriend! Love those Snowman cookie tins! Those cookies all look amazing. I want some (but not have to be the one to bake them! LOL!).

  4. I love baked goods. Not sure my body loves them but I do LOL.....

    I handed out baked goods at Chloe's party..... everyone loved it!

  5. Wow that's a lot of baking. I wish I had an oven. Looks like you guys had a lot of fun, awesome.

  6. Look at you go my Poser friend.. I hope I get some.. Joking..

  7. Do not even talk to me about ruminant gas.

    All your baking looks wonderful though...

  8. Wow, you have been busy! I think homemade cookies are a nice gift. They're made from the heart.

  9. That is some serious baking! Ah-Hem...where is mine? lol. They all look delicious. I bet you are an excellent baker. :-)

  10. You did so many. Time and money for sure. Great gifts, I'm doing that for my neighbors. I will be starting today and continue baking until Christmas Eve when I will make another Houska! This post is so awesome, you did a great job. I like your idea about doing them all in bars, so much easier, I'm going to try that this year. Now I have to add some more things to my shopping list for tomorrow. Thanks for sharing all of these recipes.
    I am really proud of you, you have the spirit of Christmas giving and you did this with your heart. God Bless you and your family.

  11. Yum! Great ideas and thanks for the links.
    And homemade gifts are not cheap! At least some thought and effort go into them.

  12. Alexis, that is fantastic... and I saw that same promo by Gunn-man and thought, "screw you", I bake and give away all the time and I know everybody loves it. Plus I love to get from other people, too.
    Haven't you been LOVING the Christmas movings on Lifetime and LMN?? I'm hooked!
    You have such a big heart and giving spirit, that I wish everyone would be just like you. I love your photos, also. I didn't get a chance to bake this year as we were so busy than I had the surgery, but Bill went and bought me some cookies - he is a sweetie!


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!