Thursday, December 10, 2009

More House Happenings! Christmas Cards to Christmas Tree

So I'm up late addressing Christmas Cards, because I'm over a week behind. Usually I'm rocking getting them out the day after Thanksgiving. Part of the whole Black Friday experience, add in a post office which is always fun! But this year I was late, who knows why I had the pictures with Santa done the week before Thanksgiving. All I had to do was send to Costco and pick them up in 24 hours. You ask what is my deal, I work from home that is the deal. I don't seem to leave the house unless it is to pick Cole up. I've become a hermit surrounded by screaming kids. Will someone come please rescue me, I don't drink often but I'm thinking a glass of wine with the girls may work ... LOL. So here it is my crazy world, no sleep and I finally go the tree up!

While we're at it why not show what has been happening at the house. Rick is on a mission, now to try to tell him we didn't win the lotto to pay for all these things. Well I did have a nice little nest egg, who needs new tires right? I don't drive that much ... LOL No really it's bad I think I may beg for tires for Christmas.
And for those who didn't catch the middle part
Here is the mid point of the living room!
Rick and his buddy painting until 3am!!
Here we are painted and new molding and chair railing!
Next Crown molding (the fake foam kind .. yup I rock it)
Even new trim around the doors!
Well not around the french doors but soon!
And what we came home to from Great Wolf
Guess we had a wind storm!
And what is the black blob?
That would be my BBQ cover usually located in the back!
And The Tree! Stop it yes it's Fake.
Have you read my life? Yes fake is the way to go!
Rick got it set up and the bins down for me.
Sadly not all the right bins, so more to come!
Aren't those Santas too cool?
Yes they are porcelain and I got them at the dollar store!
Now to find them again, i could kick myself for not buy more.
Got to have the Naughty and Nice Signs
The photo of my parents and the boys
And of course th SeaHawks Football Player for Rick
More tomorrow, now I must go to bed!
My hand is cramping from writing all those names.
For some special bloggy friends I have your address and I'm using it!!
I sure miss a printer at work to print my labels ... LOL


  1. Your household is busy busy. I love your tree.

  2. Girl, you got it going on.
    I might get to my cards by Friday,
    Tree JUST got decorated last night, same screaming kids here.
    I'm ready for that wine and GNO too.

  3. I love your tree. You have such a busy family. Love it.

  4. I didn't realize how much your living room changed-it looks great! The colors actually remind me of what we did in our bathroom. :-)

    I need to get my Christmas cards done-thanks for reminding me!

    Your Christmas tree is beautiful! We just got ours finished last night-ran into a couple problems, but it's all good now :-)

  5. Busy Busy! Your house is looking awesome! Love your tree! I'm not doing cards this year and no deco since we will be gone and man I miss it.

  6. Don't feel bad I haven't even started on my Christmas Cards yet, and I've had them forever which is just sad.

    Love the new paint job and the tree so cute!

  7. Wow poser you are so busy... Everything looks wonderful...

  8. i think you should come stay with hubby and i.. just, you know, for a couple of days... so you can breathe.. lol

    your tree is gorgeous by the way!!!

  9. I dont know how you get it all done! I love the new paint, that color is really nice.

  10. When you started, I thought you were rattled but clearly you are completely pulled together. Or you're faking it really, really well!

  11. Sorry girl i have been neglecting your blog.. I have been catching up on reading...

    Can I just say I am soooo jealous of your tree, seriously I dont have one up yet because we accidentally on purpose threw it away.. I know I know sucks!

    LOVE what you did in the house looks so purdy! :)


  12. I want your freakin energy! and your address... I am horrible at sending out a birthday card, let alone Christmas cards...

    I am allergic to evergreens so I have had to put up fake trees since I was little...nice of you to get the house all ready for my visit, LOL! You are like "Yeah right"...

  13. Send your hubby over here and he can do stuff to my house, too.

    It looks great!!

  14. Hey girlie, just wanted to stopp by and thank you for being here for me through all of this! You rock and are the best, you know that?!
    Your tree is beautiful!

  15. I love the pictures. How do you do that? Hope you got some sleep.

    I have some bling for you at my place. I'm still having technical difficulty, so please try this address first

  16. love your tree. You have such a busy family. Love it.

    Work from home India

  17. What beautiful updates to your house! That's o much fun. I actually like the smell of new painting...weird I know!

    Your tree is beautiful. Again... your energy astounds me!

  18. I love the work that Rick is doing, the house looks great. Fake is the only way to go with a tree. That way I can keep it up until mid-Jan. Finally finished my cards too! Hey, I know what you mean about becoming a hermit, me too.
    Why go out when you don't have too!

  19. Your living room looks great! How'd you get your hubby to do all that work?

  20. I sent Christmas cards the first year I was married. That was back when the mail was delivered by pony express. That was the last year I did them.

    The remodeling looks great and so does your tree.

  21. Your living room is looking GOOD!!
    Your hubby (and you) is doing a terrific job! We got our tree up on that first weekend when Alex and Rachel were here. I will do a post soon, but Blogger is being a PITA about uploading photos - URGH!
    I got your card... I was so happy, the photos were SO adorable!! Plus, I finished mine and sent them out yesterday, so you should have yours by Christmas - depending on the USPS - HaHa.
    I just LOVE Christmas time!! :-)


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!