Monday, December 28, 2009

Tempt My Tummy ~ Ham and Stuffing Casserole

Blessed with Grace
Ok my non ham lovers turn away (or yes you can do this with turkey) ... Yes Amy I'm talking about you :). As many of you know I love ham (yes almost as much as pumpkin) and love to use all the left overs as much as I can. I came across this one for dinner and just had to try it. I love stuffing also, hmmm these do explain my waist but we won't go there had enough of that on Christmas. My dad smoked a ham which was great because the one I did Christmas day turned a little on the overcooked side. My mind just wasn't into it this year :(. I used the box Cornbread stuffing and it turned out great. Since we don't have a big family (at least plate size .. big in other terms ... LOL) I made a half of this recipe. It was super easy since I had a later night doing data entry for work and needed a quick and easy recipe. Enjoy ... P.S. pumpkin haters I held off on making my pumpkin scones ... LOL Oh but don't fret it will be showing up VERY soon. Oh come on I found a knock off of the Starbucks ones :).
Enjoy I know we did :)
Ham & Stuffing Casserole


  • cooked ham slices (enough to cover the bottom of a 13x9 casserole dish)
  • 3 cups packaged dry cornbread stuffing mix
  • 1 can cream of celery soup
  • 1 can cream of mushroom soup

  • 1 (4 1/2 ounce) jar sliced mushrooms, undrained
  • 1 cup cooked corn, drained
  • 1 medium onion, chopped fine
  • 1/2 cup celery, chopped fine
  • 8 ounces shredded cheese (I used a mixture of Colby and Monterey Jack)

  • Alexis Note: I took the ham and sliced it up into cubes and mixed it in! I used one box of the stover's cornbread stuffing mix and only the cream of mushroom soup, left out the mushrooms and used the shredded cheese I had in the fridge :). Instead ob butter I just used some cooking spray. And in my throw it together fashion I threw it all into the baking dish and mixed it up!


  1. 1
    Spray skillet with cooking spray and add about 2 tbsp.
  2. 2
    butter and saute onion and celery till almost tender.
  3. 3
    In large bowl add the corn bread stuffing mix, the two cans of soup (undiluted), mushrooms with liquid, corn and the onion and celery mixture; mix thorougly.
  4. 4
    Spray a 13x9 casserole dish with cooking spray and put enough ham to cover the bottom.
  5. 5
    Sprinkle the cheese evenly over the ham.
  6. 6
    Spoon the stuffing mixture over the ham and cheese spreading the mixture evenly.
  7. 7
    Bake at 400 for approximately 30 minutes.


  1. My husband is so picky with his foods but I think he would love this! Definitely going to give it a whirl :p Thanks :)

  2. My husband is so picky with his foods but I think he would love this. I'm going to give it a whirl..this looks so good! :) Thanks so much!

  3. that looks soo delish! My hubby wont let me cook with stuffing anymore, says I have him all stuffing out!! but maybe I can sneak this one in :)

  4. Wow girl I just realized that not only are we twins, but we both love ham. I am not a big turkey fan, unless it is white meat...

    This rocks, and I am making scones too, go figure!

  5. Okay Poser you totally made me laugh. I did turn away and thought about using turkey. Thanks for thinking of me. Love ya.. Have a great day.. Watch out piggies..

  6. i think its your goal in life to make me feel famished everyday... lol!!!!

    this sounds wonderful by the way!!

  7. Oh my that sounds so awesome...I am going to make this!

  8. I need to get another ham! This looks like it would be worth a try with the leftovers! :-)

  9. This looks super duper yummyy!

    Hey! I'm hosting a Valentine's Day Swap, like The Mommy-Files. It's called Cupid's Blogger Swap.
    If you'd like to join, please sign up on my blog.
    I'm not asking you to choose between me or Shannon, I'd never do that -- I love Shannon. I'm just asking if you'd like double the fun :)

  10. This looks yummy except for the mushrooms. I don't do mushrooms.
    Might have to try...

  11. Sounds like a great recipe. I love casseroles! Happy New Year and thanks for linking to TMTT.

  12. I love ham, I love food for the matter LOL..

    I am totally stealing this and saying I invented it.. all by myself LMAO

    Hey I wanted to wish you a happy new year.

  13. That looks really yummy and the way you wrote out those directions makes the recipe really easy to follow.

  14. This recipe comes at a great time. I have lots of leftover ham from the holidays and I love stuffing too:) Thanks

  15. I lurve ham. And pumpkin. But not together.

  16. This does sound really good to ME, especially with a smoked ham. But The Hubs wouldn't touch it with a 10 ft. pole:
    no ham
    no mushrooms
    no onion; and
    no cream soups...
    he really is a steak and potato kinda guy!!
    Have a happy new year!!


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!