Saturday, December 5, 2009

(CLOSED) Uneaks Shoe Giveaway

So I like shoes (I know stop gasping they are ok) but don't you worry Rick makes up for my lack of shoe love. That man will go buy a new pair every month if he could! I swear the only thing different about them is the color of the stupid swoosh. And this lovely behavior has been passed on to my son Cole! Every time we go to the store he ask if he can have a new pair, he kills me! How to get them to love the shoes but make them look different each time!

To my surprise there are people out there smarter than me (I know shocker ... just playing) these people that are so invented like the people at Uneaks that created just that! These shoes are so cool! And this is what Cole said "Mom these shoes are special they make me run fast" ... LOL all that matters to him, that and the cool socks! Ok check this out. One way you put the socks on and you have that theme showing switch to the other sock and tada a new theme! Isn't that too freaking cool! I love the Character shoes but let's just say they don't always go with the theme of the outfit. Like when you go to church and you child has to wear those shoes! So many times we've had dress pants and bumble bee shoes! This way you just switch out the socks to a different theme! Can still be a cool pattern just not a character for that time! Isn't that awesome?? We have been able to compromise on these days he can wear the shoes just a different sock!

The Boys have 3 different styles of shoes with 18 different socks to choose from. So get this those 18 socks add up to really like 36 socks so each pair of shoes can be 36 different looks! Girls have even more to choose from they have 6 different styles of shoes with with 15 different socks to choose from. I know math this early with out coffee and I'm going to do it! So 30 different socks with 6 different shoes! Just think if you got them all that would be like 180 shoes! Just imagine that wardrobe ... ok now even I want to have a pair. Sure would make my life easier! Now if only I could get them to make mens sizes. I could convince Rick the swoosh socks could do the same trick. I know long shot!

Now that I've rambled on long enough and made you all want a pair I get the chance to share with one of you!
But First Cole has to show off!
And for those who need visuals like me!
Check out the youtube video!
Aren't those the cutest freaking kids?

WIN IT: Has offered to donate to ONE of my readers one pair of shoes and 2 pairs of socks!!!

TO ENTER: Head over to Uneaks and tell me what pair of shoes you would like. Please make sure to choose wisely this will be the pair you win!

1st Entry MUST be done before any of the extra entries (extra entries will be disqualified if first entry isn't done). SUPER easy.

EXTRA ENTRIES - Do as many as you like just leave a separate comment for EACH:

  1. Become a Fan of Uneaks on Facebook
  2. Head over to Uneaks and tell me what 2 pairs of Socks you would choose
  3. Follow my blog
  4. Have my button up on your site
  5. Subscribe via email (2 Extra Entries)
  6. Sign up for Networked Blogs (facebook - located on the right side) (3 Extra Entries)
  7. Enter my C.Belly Belts Giveaway by 12/07/09
  8. Enter my Exergen TemporalScanner Giveaway by 12/07/09
  9. Enter my Tie Buddies Giveaway by 12/14/09
  10. Enter my Yo Plus Light Giveaway by 12/15/09
  11. Blog about the giveaway or on your side bar (3 Extra Entries)
Giveaway ends 12/9/09 Only residents of the U.S. or Canada are eligible to win.

This one is a short one so we can make sure everyone has new shoes before Christmas!! Make sure you enter right away!

I was given a pair of shoes and 4 pairs of socks to review and give my opinion on, no money was given for my review of these products.


  1. I like the Gray/Yellow Boomerang sneakers.

    mami2jcn at gmail dot com

  2. I follow your blog

    mami2jcn at gmail dot com

  3. I'd choose the Racing - Emergency Crew Sock and the Sports - Sports 2 Crew Sock.

    mami2jcn at gmail dot com

  4. Email subscriber

    mami2jcn at gmail dot com


  5. Email subscriber

    mami2jcn at gmail dot com


  6. Blogged about this giveaway.

    mami2jcn at gmail dot com


  7. Blogged about this giveaway.

    mami2jcn at gmail dot com


  8. Blogged about this giveaway.

    mami2jcn at gmail dot com


  9. Cute giveaway. Have a great weekend.

  10. Pink suede paris Z-strap


  11. These are awesome! I would choose the Pink Rev for Brooke!
    garyandalesha at cox dot net

  12. I'd choose the Polka Dots - Targets Ankle Sock or the Rainbow Stripes - Flowers Ankle Sock

  13. I would get my girl the Pink Rev! What an idea!

  14. I like the Zebra - Leopard crew socks and the Polka Dots Targets crew socks!

  15. I like the White Valley Lace size 13

  16. I subscribe by email entry 1

  17. I subscribe entry 2

  18. I like the Zebra-leopard crew socks ad the Polka Dots=target crew socks

  19. I like the pink/white boomerang shoes for my daughter

  20. two favorite socks, Princess -splatters crew socks and the polka dots -target crew

  21. I love the black and red boomerang pair. My son needs a new pair of tennis shoes. These are really cute.

  22. I would like the Girl's Pink/White Boomerang

    ReggieM1961 (at) gmail (dot) com

  23. Fan of Uneaks on Facebook
    (Facebook name: Reggie Mann)

    ReggieM1961 (at) gmail (dot) com

  24. I would like the Candy - Party Ankle Sock and the Rainbow Stripes - Flowers Ankle Sock

    ReggieM1961 (at) gmail (dot) com

  25. I follow your blog

    ReggieM1961 (at) gmail (dot) com

  26. I entered your C.Belly Belts Giveaway

    ReggieM1961 (at) gmail (dot) com

  27. I entered your Tie Buddies Giveaway

    ReggieM1961 (at) gmail (dot) com

  28. I like the White Valley Lace shoes!

    khmorgan_00 [at] yahoo [dot] com

  29. I subscribe via e-mail-entry #1.

    khmorgan_00 [at] yahoo [dot] com

  30. I'm signed up for Networked Blogs-entry #1.

    khmorgan_00 [at] yahoo [dot] com

  31. I'm signed up for networked blogs-entry #2.

    khmorgan_00 [at] yahoo [dot] com

  32. I'm signed up for Networked Blogs-entry #3.

    khmorgan_00 [at] yahoo [dot] com

  33. I entered your C.Belly belts giveaway.

    khmorgan_00 [at] yahoo [dot] com

  34. I entered your Exergen Temporal Scanner giveaway.

    khmorgan_00 [at] yahoo [dot] com

  35. I like the Gray/Yellow Boomerang Boys sneakers.

    xmeliss182x (at) yahoo (dot) com

  36. I also entered the YoPlus Light giveaway.

    xmeliss182x (at) yahoo (dot) com

  37. My daughter likes the White Valley Lace.

  38. She would like the Hearts and Zebra crew socks.

  39. Black and red Boomerang! Don't know how I missed this one. Thankfully I caught it and can enter. I would give these to my nephew as my girlie is still way to young for these. Super cool!

  40. Of course I have your button! Clickety click!

  41. I commented on the Exergen thermometer

  42. I like the Racing - Emergency Crew Socks and the Sports-Sports 2 Crew Socks.

  43. i like the pink paris zstrap

  44. I would choose hearts and stars socks

  45. # 1 email subscriber

  46. # 2 email subscriber
