Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Weekend Wrap Wednesday ~ Christmas Day & Bloggy Friends Meet

Well Christmas was just us and the boys it turned out to be very nice. NO having to worry about comments about my weight (oh wait had those the day before). Well guess it's better coming second hand from my husband then having it said to me ... LOL. But over all really it was a lot of fun, after I got to thinking of it I was of the opinion that is was their loss and I'm not going to be down about it.
The boys of course too little just thought it was fun unwrapping gifts. As you can see I'm crazy and each person has there own theme paper .... LOL. Caden loves Dora so he got girly paper that Rick almost died over and Cole had Sponge Bob. Yes Cole is "helping" Caden open up his presents apparently he wasn't going fast enough. Who knew there was a time limit for opening and throw your presents. Cole had it down to a science ... Rip, Scream, Toss and move to next! Then when You run out of yours go for brothers!
The boys made out like bandits!
Hot Wheels the hot item at our house!
Great Pick up on Black Friday, who would have thunk it!
Wow what a mess! Guess what Cole actually picked up too!
My MIL made the boys workshop aprons ... too cute!
She Also crochet a really cool dino blanket I'll post later.
Rick was under the impression we weren't doing gifts.
Silly boy I may say this but really come on you had like 20 gifts!
I did get really cute PJ bottoms
(since working at home this is my new business casual)
And a cute pair of boots
Funny Story:
I asked for Chocolate brown ones, he found black first so picked them up and then found the brown. He made a comment about not finding brown only black. I being the silly person I am I guess made a face. So he returned the black. I was so bummed! So he went back yesterday and picked me up the black pair too! LOL
PLUS: the best part of Christmas Rick took the boys to his friends house! YES you read that correct he LEFT the house for 3 hours! Guess what I did? Yup took a nap ... LOL! OMGosh my first break in months! Thank you sweetie that almost makes up for my 3 gifts vs your 20 ... LOL just playing ;).

And Sunday I had a chance to meet a bloggy friend I'm so excited that I got to meet Robyn at An Alaskan Family she was in Portland visiting family and I live close to there. Well at least I thought it was close ... LOL Nahh really it wasn't that bad about 2 hrs and 45 min drive. Thank the lord I picked up those DVD players for the car, kept the boys from going to crazy. But Caden has learned to unbuckle himself, oh great surprise on our drive!

It was so nice to sit and talk with Robyn, Rick took the boys for an little over an hour and we had a great time sipping coffee and just enjoying adult time (that would be on my part). Thank you so much Robyn for the great time, I'm sorry we couldn't sit longer and chat. I had to get back on the road, Rick and I had a date night! YUP you heard that right Rick got his buddy to come to the house to watch the boys so we could go to dinner! More on that tomorrow! Thankfully we left when we did there was a HUGE accident that we were able to get off the highway and go a back way, no worries it only added another 45 minutes LOL. We left the house at 10am and returned at 6:15pm and I must say the boys actually did pretty well for so long in the car. The only bounced on couches and screamed a little at Robyn's friends house .. :) Oh love my boys!

Me and the Boys waiting for daddy to get in the car!
Robyn and Myself!
Ok not liking my new sweater too much, LOL
Our drive home!
Caden just chilling! And Cole intense on the movie!
Rick intent on looking forward, good job dude!
Momma tried to get daddy to crack a smile!
Anyone else coming to the Washington Area? We can make another trip ... LOL! Happy Wednesday everyone :)


  1. Love the workshop aprons.. & cant wait to see the blanket!!!

    And brown AND black boots... you are one lucky lady!!!

  2. Looks like a blast and the pictures are fantastic! YAY for a break with a nap!

  3. What fun you had. I want to come some day..

  4. Thank you so much for coming to meet me. I had a great time visiting with you. You have a beautiful family. I feel so lucky to have you for a friend, even though we live so many miles apart.

  5. I love those boots, super cute!

  6. I've been told that yes, there is a time limit for opening gifts. I've always been the save the paper kind of opening and savoring the surprise of what's inside. My sister when I was younger and the wee ones now don't stand for it. They rip into presents for me. :) Apparently this isn't just a my family thing! Merry Christmas!

  7. Looks like it was fun. Your boys smiles always crack me up. They are so cute. Nap = awesome! Love the boots. Glad you got to meet a blog friend, I bet that is fun.
    Happy New Year.

  8. We had a fairly low key Christmas day....and it was really nice......TigerBoy got to play with Grandpa almost all day!.......sometimes simple and quiet (well, as quiet as it can be with boys!) is the best.....

    Looking spiffy in those pjs and boots.....
    TigerBoy helped Grandpa open his present!......he's rather conservative when it comes to ripping the paper.....and he's all set knowing to stick the paper in the recycle bag.....I taught him early!

  9. LOOOOOVE the boots.. way cute!!

    theme paper for everyone.. oh my! you are too much!!!!!

    glad you had a good Christmas!!!

  10. Home made gifts are great!

    I hope you had a great date!

  11. Getting a nap is always my favorite gift from my hubby!

  12. This post is freaking me out a little...not because you got to take a nap, Rick took the boys, AND you had a date night~! No...but because I wrapped my kids in themed wrapping paper and it was the SAME Dora and spongebob...and THEN when I saw your picture I realized I have the same exact pair of glasses as you!! The same! We are in synce or something...LOL!

  13. You actually got some time alone?? That is a Christmas Miracle!

    Luv the workshop aprons and your boots.

  14. I'm sending some blogging love your way on Thursday. I'll be in a car driving home from our annual mini-vacation.

  15. Great boots!!!! And the boys looked like they had such a wonderful Christmas.

    Sorry I'm so late to the usual. I'm just trying to get caught up on my blogging since we stayed home tonight. It's New Years Eve and hubs just went to bed. He didn't even make it until 10! He's so old :O) I probably would've beat him there if it weren't for my love of blogland.

    I so wish we lived closer to WA! I'd totally love to sip coffee with you and I'd make my hubs take the boys and play :O) Everyone would win that way. Girl would have so much fun playing with them. We got her some hotwheels for Christmas and she takes them everywhere! She makes the funniest car/truck noises. I totally have to get it on video. She's a hoot!

  16. You KNOW I wish I lived closer to Washington, I'd be over in a minute. You should come down here, no snow!!
    I LOVE the smile on Caden's face Christmas morning, and how helpful Cole is to his little brother. Those jammies pants are SO cute, and look really comfy. I could use a pair. They both look adorable in those too cute aprons from your MIL, that was so great of her.
    How cool that you got to meet Robyn, and that Rick took the boys for a while so you could have a little bit of big girl time. Did you get new glasses? Those look great, as does your hair! And I am loving those pearls!
    I'm also glad you had a good trip home, you all look so cute in the car, especially Caden's attempt at a wink. Then you get a date night alone with Rick... lucky you!!
    Hope you have a really Happy 2010!

  17. Look at all the wonderful pictures! I'm thinking the way Christmas turned out may be better than the other option, huh?
    Glad you had fun visiting with Robyn!

  18. LOVE the new work clothes! ;-)

    That's so neat that you got to meet a bloggy friend! I would love to come out to Washington to visit too-maybe one day! :-)


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!