Sunday, December 27, 2009

What shall we do now that Christmas is over?

I say we eat some cookies and go meet a bloggy friend!
I'm so excited I've been truly blessed to meet some amazing friends and I wanted to share two special ones that I am honored to know.
First is Laurie at GUESSING ALL THE WAY....... she so innocently one day sent me an email about cookies and haha wouldn't it be fun to do a cookie exchange .. LOL. She didn't know this crazy woman would jump on it like a hot flash. What I get to bake for someone else. She was so super sweet and agreed to do an exchange with me. Christmas Eve I received this special package of delish cookies. Cole of course was the most excited about the cupcakes. Let's just say my stashing place didn't work I found that he snuck out of bed and got another. My dad found the left over (you know you only eat the frosting and filling) under the couch when he stopped by. Oh great, thanks Cole they already think I don't clean enough!
And today I'm so excited I get to meet to meet Robyn at An Alaskan Family is visiting the Pacific Northwest from Alaska! She's about 2 hours away so I'm going to run go get the boys and myself dressed so we can get on the road! I'm so excited and don't worry I'll have my camera because of course you'll want to see pictures of me in new sweater .... oh wait of me and Robyn ... LOL.

Hope you all had a Merry Christmas an are enjoying your time with the family. More on that day later! MUAH!! Now go check out my friends and say Hi.

P.S. Thanks so much to my bloggy friends that sent me a Christmas Card you made my heart swell with joy that you thought of me. I'll post those soon!

An Alaskan Family


  1. Thank you for the introductions.
    Have a great time, be safe on the roads.

  2. Oh I love those cup cakes. They look so yummy. Be safe and have fun meeting your new friends..

  3. I was just coming to thank you for thinking of me with your Christmas card. I was genuinely surprised and touched.
    Now when are you coming to visit me?

  4. A cookie exchange! Oh, I love them. And how neat is it to really meet other bloggers. I would love to have that opportunity to get together with other adults (with no daycare kiddos present). lol

    I left you an award over on my blog.

    Hope you had a Merry Christmas!

  5. Have fun girl and Laurie is awesome! I look forward to checking out the other blog you posted. ;)

  6. Cookie Exchange... How fun!!
    Some of us would have sent Christmas Cards, but you didn't post your address on here? LOL! =)
    Hope you had a wonderful time with Robyn!!

  7. Have lots of fun girlie :)

  8. A cookie exchange sounds like fun. Looks like you received some yummy ones.

  9. Late Merry christmas to ya mommas.... I didn't send out cards this year.. I have them just didnt send them . I know I know what a dork...

  10. Alexis what a sweetheart you are. I love the picture of your little boy eating the cupcake. I thought those would be a hit. LOL I know all the stuff you sent my family was very much appreciated and DELICIOUS!! Can't wait to do it again:)


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!