Tuesday, January 12, 2010

iMoo for your iPod or iPhone

Ok people you that have and iPod or iPhone I'm so jealous this is the second time I've been asked to review a product that is for these products and I don't have one to check it out! Man this one is so cool and I know the boys would get a kick out of it! Heck I could use it while I'm driving down the road, yup when that jerk cuts me off I can run the app instead of saying the bad things. Yup I'm bad (don't you remember the swear jar mom gave me), so let's just say my non verbal communication not so good either. But this could be amazing to the boys and heck it could help me too!

The iMoo made me giggle and yes jealous because I don't have this phone or even an iPod! Ok I'm taking you back to childhood I remember have one of the cow in a can toy. Come on I can't be that old you know what I'm talking about. It was a can that you turn over and it made a cow noise. Now take this concept and
app it up!

This app is easy to download for hours of enjoyment, oh come on you know you will sit there do it over and over! This is why I'm jealous I have a touch phone but mine isn't cool like this where you can turn it over to make the noise. Yup I'd be like a little kid turning it over and over! And get this you can even record your own Moo noise, I know isn't that freaking cool! Oh wait now all I can think of Rick and Cole playing with this record button and taking over my cool moo voices ... LOL :). But no worries they have several other moo's to choose from. Doesn't that just make you giggle? How could you not love Duck Moo or Morning Moo (stop thinking that way!).

I know I've peaked your interest so head over to iMoo and check it out, heck download it for 99 cents! I know what a small price to pay for hours of

Enjoy and yes you are going to get it and send me emails rubbing it in, I just know you guys!

Thank you Patrick the creator of iMoo for the offer to test this out, which I had one to try it out. But hey we have a deal right you sale a million of them you'll buy me an iPod ... LOL just playing! Yes you know it I make friends everywhere I go, he even commented on one of my recipes ... yup I'm famous like that! LOL that's why I need to write about because I'm so famous ... haha .... Oh boy I must leave you know.

I received no product (since I suck and don't have an iPod like the rest of the world) these are my opinions from what I've read about the company. Plus I just think Patrick rocks and his mind thinks like mine since he created this!


  1. Why won't someone give you an ipod touch to review? And one to giveaway while you're at it.

  2. I totally think you deserve an iPhone to review! You are a sweetie who does SO much for all kinds of people!
    And I SO agree with you about Patrick, he is wonderful!! And I love the IMOO app, Nano loves what we have recorded... I have it saying: "Mommy loves you!" and Bill is saying: "Who's your Daddy?"
    We are totally whacked! But it is so much fun!!

  3. That looks cute!..........I wanted to get an iPhone, but then I saw that you have to have the $30/month data plan.......so I won't be getting an iPhone.....
    However, I did finally get the iPod Touch out of the box a few weeks ago (see my blog).......and it is super cool.............so I don't mind not having the iPhone now....
    I'm a sucker for Mac......(sometimes!...lol....)

  4. Just wanted to say thank you again Alexis for the very kind review for iMoo. We are glad you and your family enjoyed it! That makes us very happy pandas here! We have started work on a revision, which when we release it we will definitely pass it along to you!


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!