Thursday, January 21, 2010

Slanket Review

As many of you know I work from home and in the spirit of saving money (or because I'm freaking cheap) I don't turn up the heat that much. I know come on you know I'm crazy this really surprises you? So lack of heat, and working on a computer (with out my space heater, the only thing I miss from my old job) I get a little cold. So I add wool socks, bulk up with sweatpants and sweatshirts. Then I get hot and try to unbundle which isn't cool when you're wearing a headset. Trying to find that perfect thing that works and let's me type but still get up and move around is what I need.

In comes The Slanket ok we know I'm not a skinny minny so when it arrived and was one size fits all I was a little worried, but it fit and guess what I could even wrap around my backside so not cold tush! It's the perfect length for my computer desk and even when I hear Caden screaming to be out of his crib I can actually pick up the length and walk in there grab him and then walk back with out taking it off! Now typing is the true test you think the arms will get caught up but nope it's roomy but not to much that you can't type. So my arms stay warm while I type like a crazy person!

So you're thinking ok it's great but then you wash it and not so great! Ok have you seen what my boys do to the house do you really think this would stay clean for more than a few days? Yup it's been washed a few times and guess what it's still in the same shape, no pilling and still soft and makes working comfortable!

Ok don't mind the hair I don't do my hair or makeup anymore ... LOL
The Slanket comes in 17 different colors (12 solid and 5 prints). The Arghhh! is super cute to (love the skulls but I was trying to go with the upbeat I need each day). Guess what they come it also comes in The Kids Slanket, Cole so wanted one but that boy doesn't sit still at all to get one ... LOL. And for you people that I hate and have these amazing times with your hubs and you on the coach together they have a The Siamese Slanket that fits both of you! For my friends that actually get to leave their houses (I'm so jealous) they have The Travel Slanket.

BUY IT: Currently you can pick up a Slanket on sale for $32.99, plus FREE shipping on orders over $95.00.

Enjoy I'm in love with my Slanket and use it every day!

I was not paid for this review these are my opinions and experiences, I received products to try and to tell how I liked them. No monetary or any other form of compensation was given to me. I review products free of charge to give my experience and opinion.


  1. Wow that looks so nice and warm! That would be a great thing to own in Alaska!

  2. These things totally crack me up.

    This is what hubs says about them: what you wear when you really, really don't want to have sex.

  3. i made fun of these and the snuggies fo'ever... but then, to be funny- hubby bought me one... and oh no! he done messed up.. cause i sooo fell in loove!!


    have a wonderful wkend!!!

  4. I got some Snuggies for my family members who are always cold. We love them. I know you are talking about Slankets.

  5. You look so adorable in that! I'm glad it keeps you warm while you work and you are able to save money on your heating bill!!


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!