Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Time Out for Theta Mom Thursday ~ Mommy got beautified!

Check me out I had a little me time this past week! I know hold on Betsy it doesn't happen often and I took full use of it! Fridays I usually work a half day since I work Saturday mornings for a few hours. I've been taking Caden to daycare this day and Cole at school makes the house real quite. This day is usually clean up, any volunteer work, maybe grocery shopping most days I finish up and before I know it's time to pick up Cole!
This past Friday I made it my mission to take a little time. Last week was super busy with work and it was looking like Friday would be the same but I was able to slip out for 2 hours! 2 glorious hours to myself, I took a new book (Thank you to my Santa Swap) and made it my mission to relax and get my toes and fingers done! I hit the little salon just down the street and had BIG plans for relaxation!
Ok we know I have kids, I love them but when I go for a little me time I would love it to be just that. My nail lady is great she has a shop attached to her house, her kids usually are in the house and it's great. Well Friday dad was home suppose to be watching the kids and my lovely 1 1/2 hour pedi, mani and eyebrow waxing was with little kids running jumping on the chair next to me. Poor nail lady she was so frustrated has the same complaint as most of us about how dad was suppose to be watching them. It wasn't her fault I was mad, just a little disappointed these precious few hours to myself for peace, quite and reading time wasn't so much!
So Yeah I had a little me time but it was almost being at home, but hey I didn't have to yell at the kids to shut up (even though I wanted to) and I had pretty toes, fingers and eyebrows! LOL
Check me out!
Yes this is how I show off my pretty nails, to my keyboard!
Here are my nails, aren't they pretty
And here they are 5 days later ... LOL


  1. Glad you had some time to yourself, every mommy needs some. Sad for you that it was not relaxing. I have an in home hair studio and make sure that my clients are the priority when they are there and my family knows the consequences are-lost clients mean I'll have to work outside the home. Next time mention how much of a treat it is to be able to relax without kids running around :) She'll get the hint.

  2. Pretty toes, nails and eyebrows, woo hoo! And guess what??? I have a post ready to roll on Monday, I decided to do this meme once a month sicne I think it's hard for all to do it every week...but look at you, two in a row!!!

  3. I would not have been happy! A Mom's time away is precious!
    Like the toes and nails though :-)

  4. Oh my.. You are doing so great at having me time. Me on the other had I am not doing so well with it.

  5. I am going to my son's hairdresser and see what she can do. If she even tries to take credit for his handsome looks, ohhhh, no his hair is always adorable when he see's Lisa. Let's hope she can take care of my mop!

    Pretty pretty pretty fingers and toes!

  6. ooooh la la!!!

    pretty, gorgeous nails...

    and i so love the sparkles too!!

  7. I hope she gave you a discount....
    I got my Babysitter notepad today. That was fast! Thanks so much...

  8. They look so pretty and I too, hate when they start to come off! :(

  9. How sad that you didn't get to just relax and enjoy. You sure looked nice though:) Love the close up pic of the eyebrows. LOL You are so much fun!! Have a great weekend.

  10. Hey, hey! You got all prettied up! Good for you. (I understand about the kids being there. Not the same but at least they weren't your responsibility.)

  11. So great you got a chance to have some time to yourself.....sort

  12. Oh no...I wouldn't be going to get my pedi there anymore. Like you said, you can sympathize with the lady, but that is totally unprofessional and NOT a treat for you.
    You are paying HER money to do a job. You can easily pay that money to someone who does it in a better manner!
    Sorry...but I know how rare it is to go out, and that sucks :(

    Love the sparkle nailpolish!

  13. Yay for me time...and sorry it wasn't ad relaxing as it should have been :( I love that color and you look awesome girlie :)

  14. Glad you were able to get some pampering... sorry you had to deal with the kiddos. That was a total bummer, she really should have excused herself and taken the kids to their dad and MADE him keep them in the house. Then given you a discount.
    You look totally lovely, however.
    Make sure you KEEP giving yourself free time - don't let people take advantage of you, girlie, you need to have some time to yourself. You keep doing things for everybody else because you are such a sweetie.

  15. I absolutely love the eyebrow shot. That is very sexy lady! Cute nails while they lasted. Hmmmm, was it a typo or subconscious thought that you actually wrote "I was mad"?

  16. I have never had a mani, pedi or eyebrow waxing (which I totally NEED! LOL!) I wouldn't have thought it would be relaxing, but I guess any time away from your own kiddos is at least a little refreshing :-)


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!