Thursday, March 18, 2010

Gym Smells & I'm the Gym Czar

I'm sorry I wasn't around, after work I finished up Rick's resume and got him working on getting his but in gear for a new job. How come it's always the woman that needs to light the fire under their rear? UGH So I needed to laugh and thought it would be good to show off some funny gym stories!


  1. Good for you! That stuff would all piss me off too! Great post :-)

  2. So many of those things piss me off. The farting, cell phone use, dirty machine and you forgot the machine hog. Another one of my personal favorites.

  3. Gym czar....awesome! I love it. We should make you a special cape or something...

    There are gym rules and I just don't understand people behaving as though its their own personal workout room AT HOME. UGH!

    thank you for the Friday laughs though.

  4. I wish I could say I can't believe how rude people are, but the CD in another language - I'd be livid. When they came back, the CD would've been in pieces in the trash if it were me! You are a much nicer person than I would've been in any of those scenarios.

  5. i'm still laughing hysterically over the farting 5 times...

    yea, once or twice- total accident... 5 TIMES... GO POTTY BEFORE YOU POOP YOURSELF!!!!

    have a wonderful wkend!

  6. Seriously, you can be the Czar at my gym anytime...oh wait...I don't have a gym...does bending over 2927times a day to pick up toys and crap count?
    I can't believe it about the Cooties comment...that means s/he probably didn't wipe it off when done either...yuck.

  7. Good for you. Now, what the hell is this gym thing you speak of???? I don't think I should go there it sounds like work. You're a better woman than I!!!

  8. loved your post today dear great writing xx

  9. Okay this had me rolling. I wished I lived close to you so we could rock that gym up. Too funny. I think men just need some help sometimes. I guess that is why they have us.. Have a great weekend my friend..
    hugs poser..

  10. It's good you are still going to the gym.
    Stay in the zone.
    Stay in the zone.

  11. Soooo much fun reading these. I can't believe the balls on these woman at your gym!!

  12. See? I knew there was a reason why I don't go the gym!

  13. That behavior is what keeps me out of the gym. And the fact that I'm lazy. :)

  14. It sounds so annoying and gross! You definitely make me glad I don't go to a gym! :-)

  15. oh girlie, I can't stand things that are going on in the gym LOL

  16. Good for you Queen Bee Gym Czar!!
    You so deserve to let them know who runs the joint! I am sick of people thinking that they can just do whatever they please wherever they please without consequences.
    Go get 'em girlie!! :-)

  17. Dude, you need to start videotaping the morons there.... and yeah, the scented lotion ladies what the HECK is up with that? GROSS! Sweaty roses? I mean, do you REALLY want to spell like sweaty roses?

  18. This is exactly why I can't work out at the gym. I would tell these people off...besides I'm a farter... and hello, public farting, so not my thing.

  19. Good point about the elliptical.

    Have a great Tuesday!

  20. So funny...and so true... people seem to leave their manors at the door when they come to the gym.

    have a great day!

  21. Omg, too funny and too true. That's why I stopped going to the gym. That and the guys who cut the liners out of their gym shorts and then didn't wear draws while doing sit ups ~ I was in the Army. LOL Have a good day.

  22. Gosh I wish you lived near me. We could be fluffy czarinas together and rock that gym! :) Loved the fart stickie!

  23. been there done the farting bit...the other are a funny a follower of yours!


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!