Monday, March 1, 2010

Make Something Monday ... BARBECUED BEEF RIBS

Make Something Monday

Have some ribs you need to cook up? Well here you go, you'll love this recipe. Rick and his buddies devoured this up, I think I got one? I'm not sure ... LOL :). Enjoy

What you need!
Oil in Pan
Add some garlic (thank you Costco)
Add minced onions
Add mustard
Add Tomato Sauce
Add Sugar
Add in Soy Sauce (Again thank you Costco)
Add Apple Cider Vinegar
Add BBQ Sauce
Add Hot Sauce
Add Salt
Bay Leaves and rub on the ribs
Yummy out of the oven!

8 lb. beef ribs from standing rib roast
1 c. chopped onion
1 tsp. instant minced garlic
1/4 c. oil
2 tsp. prepared mustard
1 c. tomato puree
2 c. sugar
2 tbsp. soy sauce
1 c. white vinegar
2 bay leaves
1 tsp. hot pepper sauce
1 tsp. barbecue spice (optional)
2 tsp. salt

Arrange beef ribs on rack in baking pan. Saute onion and garlic in oil until golden. Add mustard, tomato puree, sugar, soy sauce, vinegar, bay leaves, hot pepper sauce, barbecue spice and salt and simmer about 15 minutes. Strain.

Brush barbecue sauce generously over beef ribs, covering them thoroughly. Bake at 375 to 400 degrees for 45 minutes, basting frequently with sauce until beef ribs are tender and well done. Store any remaining sauce, covered, in refrigerator.

Makes 8 servings.

If you're wondering why the pictures are not in a collage, I made up this a few months ago. I'm so tired this Sunday night so I'm reaching into my premade up post. Hope you have a wonderful Monday!


  1. I've never made ribs before. Is that weird? Dh would love it if I did, though.

  2. mmmmmmmmmm my boys would love this! Im not a rib fan myself but the guys r! I may have to give this a try one nite as a special treat!

  3. I am not a rib fan but my husband is and so is the FIL.

    Hope you have a great new week..
    Here's to a better one..

    Have a wonderful Monday..

  4. Yummy! My husband and 6 year old would eat ribs for every meal :)

  5. How sad that I could look at the ingredients at the start and point to exactly which ones come from Costco? I spent too much time (and $$) there! These look good... I may have to make my husband make them. Mmmm ribs!

  6. Yummy! We just finished up the last of our ribs a few weeks ago. Definitely getting some more the next meat truckload sale at the local grocery store though-I'll have to remember to try this!

  7. Now ribs is something I've never attempted before! I'm too scared!

  8. I am SCARED to cook ribs! My mother has the most divine recipe, and I'm scared I'll mess it up!!

  9. I am not a BBQ fan but my whole family is. I will star this and try it. Thank you.

  10. We just happen to have ribs in our freezer and I've been trying to get DH to BBQ them. He's been busy doing other things. Maybe I'll have to try this! Looks delish!

  11. Ok, now do they come out tender with that short of a cook time?

  12. That is one SERIOUS bottle of soy sauce!! Holy Moley!!

  13. I love BBQ ribs. My mom has my favorite recipe. It is really Chinese but oh so yummy. The ribs have an exotic flavor and they just fall off the bones and melt in the mouth. Heavenly.

    She gave the recipe to my husband when we married, but it takes two days to make them, and my husband isn't that patient. So my mom still makes them for me on my birthday.

  14. And now why do I want this at 10:30 pm LOL just wondering LOL it looks so yummy!

  15. I'm a huge rib lover as is Bill, but I cook mine for 90 min. on a lower temp wrapped in foil with the sauce and a little bit of water so that they fall off the bone when they are done. MMMMM
    Now you have me craving ribs!!


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!