Monday, March 8, 2010

Make Something Monday ... One-Pot Salsa Beef Skillet

Make Something Monday

A quick and easy one for today! This is one for the busy day when you get home late and need to throw something together. The boys loved it and it was so quick that I didn't have to hear I'm hungry more then 10 times! Enjoy :)

All you need (minus the meat).
Brown the meat
Add Water
Add Noodles
Add Salsa
Add corn
Add cheese packet
Add shredded cheese
Ok so I forgot to take an after picture.
Here is the picture from (where I got the recipe)
Yes I'm using one of my pre-scheduled recipes today, I'm of course pooped after this weekend and Rick took my camera with all my pictures of the meals I made :). I still have hair but my voice is a little horse from screaming ... lol


  1. That looks so good and so easy! Thanks for sharing :)

  2. Thanks for sharing! Looks super easy!

  3. What a yummy meal.. I am glad we both made it this weekend. I hope you have a great week.. I am going to try and get a me time in there so my husband can be all alone.

    Have a great day... POser..

  4. Looks & sounds easy & delish (winning combo 4 sure)! I need to add more meals like this to my limited repertoire!

  5. Mmmmm, looks like a winner!!!! It's on my list for the week for sure!

  6. i was already hungry.. so this did NOT help.. but its OK.. looks fantastic!!!

  7. You poor thing.
    Homemade hamburger helper. Much better than the stuff in the box.

    I'm glad you survived your weekend.

  8. This is on my list for sure this week. Thanks for sharing. Glad you survived your weekend and still have your cute hair!! Which brings me to the very bad haircut I just got. Grow Hair grow!! HA HA!!

  9. Yummy & easy!! I need those kind of recipes right now!!

  10. Sounds yummy and very cheesey! Have I told you about my love with cheese.

  11. Oooo that totally looks super easy. Can I complain about not having children who will eat casseroles again? That does remind me that I have some ground beef that I need to do something with TODAY. Time to go figure out dinner!

  12. I really want to try this one too! So many to make! LOL! There is no way I can keep up with you ;-)

  13. What a simple and yummy looking recipe. I could make this even if I wasn't feeling that well.
    Thanks so much for sharing.


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