Monday, March 29, 2010

MSM ~ Chicken Dish 3 Ways (Relish Recipes)

Make Something Monday

Wow it's Monday? Time sure flies when you're having fun, I guess that is what we call it ... lol! I'm sorry I've been a bad bloggy friend these days, hoping it slows down soon. I have been doing a lot of cooking so today I thought I'd bring you chicken three ways. Hope you like one or all of them! Enjoy!

Creamy Chicken Broccoli Fettuccini
Prep time: 30 minutes
12ounces fettuccini
4boneless, skinless chicken breasts
1/4cup butter
1teaspoon garlic, minced
1/2teaspoon black pepper
1bunch broccoli, cut into florets and chopped
1cup sour cream
2cups heavy whipping cream
1cup half-and-half
3/4cup shredded mozzarella cheese
3/4cup Parmesan cheese, grated
1/2teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes

[1] Cook Fettuccini until cooked through but still firm to the bite, drain, and set aside. Wash, drain and chop fresh broccoli. Cut chicken breasts into bite-sized pieces. Heat butter, garlic and ground black pepper in a large skillet over medium heat. When the skillet is hot, add the chicken and broccoli to the skillet. Cook and stir until the meat is no longer pink in the center, about 8-10 minutes.

[2] Sprinkle salt and pepper over the chicken and broccoli and toss to mix. Remove the skillet from heat and allow to cool. When cooled, sprinkle the grated cheeses over the chicken and broccoli and toss to mix well.
Combine the sour cream, whipping cream, and half and half together in a separate bowl.

[3] Spray a casserole dish(s) with cooking spray. Layer the pasta on the bottom of the pan, top with the chicken mixture and top with the cream mixture.

[4] Sprinkle with crushed red pepper. Cover tightly with foil, affix the cooking label and place in the freezer.

This was a freezer one, but I just made it the same night.
Chicken Quesadilla Pie
Prep time: 25 minutes

4boneless, skinless chicken breasts
110-ounce can red enchilada sauce
1/4cup heavy whipping cream
48-inch flour tortillas
2cups Monterey Jack cheese, plus 1/4 cup for the top
1/2red onion , finely chopped
115-ounce can black beans, drained and rinsed
[1] Heat oven to 350 degrees. Drizzle the chicken with olive oil and season with salt and pepper. Bake for 12-15 minutes or until cooked through. Let cool and finely chop.

[2] In a small bowl, combine the enchilada sauce and cream. Spoon 1/4 cup of the sauce mixture into the bottom of a shallow 2-quart casserole. Top with 1 tortilla and a third each of the cheese, chicken, onion, and black beans. Repeat twice to form a total of 3 layers. Top with the remaining tortilla, sauce mixture, and cheese. Cover tightly with foil, affix the cooking label and place flat in the freezer.
Another one that was a freezer, but I made it the same night. Again used my whole wheat tortillas, they are great.
And last but not least my favorite!

Chicken Tortellini Soup
Prep and cook time: 20 minutes

3/4boneless, skinless chicken breasts
2teaspoons olive oil
3garlic clove(s), minced
3 1/2cups chicken broth
16ounces sliced button mushrooms
1 3/4cups water
2carrots , peeled and cut into matchstick strips
2cups fresh spinach
1teaspoon dried tarragon
19-ounce package fresh cheese tortellini

[1] Rinse chicken and pat dry. Cut the chicken into 3/4-inch cubes. In a large stockpot heat olive oil over medium-high heat. Cook and stir chicken and garlic for 5 to 6 minutes or until chicken is no longer pink. Stir in chicken broth, mushrooms, water, carrots, spinach, and tarragon.

[2] Bring mixture to boiling; reduce heat. Simmer, covered, for 2 minutes. Let soup cool and transfer to large, plastic container. Using packing tape affix the cooking label and lay flat in the freezer.

[3] Attach extra label to tortellini and place in freezer.

Yes another freezer one I made that night. I have a very small freezer, so not much room for meals.
Happy Monday everyone, let's hope this one brings lot's of smiles and Rick a job :). Hugs!


  1. You are everything I wish I could be!

  2. They are sound and look wonderful. Now, which do I want to make first? I think the one in the middle :) I hope you have a great week and I'll keep my fingers crossed about the job situation.

    Quick question. I wanted to post a recipe for pork chops baked over a hash brown potato casserole that I got from here, but now I can't find it. Do you have the recipe?

  3. Hey Poser,

    Look at you work that chicken.. I want to try that soup.. I hope all does slow down.. Hugs to you..

  4. You are busy, don't sweat it.

    The first one looks yummy. I may just have to make some fettuccine!

  5. all sound good but the soup wins today. It's cold and rainy. yuck. Soup is perfect!

  6. Wow - I am impressed!! All 3 look amazing!!

  7. All 3 are so yummy! I wish I had some now :)

  8. this is better than tv lol, and far superior recipes xxx

  9. They all sounds delicious. Wow that first one sound rich but awesome!

  10. Impressive! Mister Linky is up for this week's Crock Pot Wednesday. I hope you can join me. There's an April giveaway going on as well.

  11. Ok, trying to be healthy here.... I LOVE that tortellini soup. Mister Man would even love this one (tortellini is the only filled pasta he'll eat). YUM!

  12. Oh my goodness! Your family is so lucky to have you cooking for them! I'm trying to try more new things, but not nearly as much as you do-it all looks delicious! :-)

  13. All three of these look delicious. I love broccoli and chicken, but Bill won't eat broccoli, so I have to order it when I go out to eat.
    Thanks for always sharing such great recipes while being so busy and under such stress about Rick being unemployed.


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!