Sunday, March 14, 2010

On the Brink Book Giveaway (5 Winners)

Ok my political minded friends I have a new book for you to check out! I like to throw in a book every once in a while that keeps your mind thinking and enjoying a book that is not our usual romance or murder mystery. Don't worry I'll have more of those but I know some of you enjoy a book that is based on truth and our society.

Henry M. Paulson, Jr., the former CEO of Goldman Sachs was appointed the nation's next Secretary of the Treasury in 2006. He took a leap from Wall Street to Washington expecting all the bumps that would come along with them move.

Some could see it but most did not see the financial crisis that we're still digging out of. Paulson found him self in the middle of this crisis since the Great Depression.

Read along as Paulson's gives his first person account. This sadly was a once-in-a-lifetime economic nightmare (at least we hope those are true word). The downward spiral brought unprecedented chaos while all eyes turned to the United States Treasury Secretary to avert the disaster.

A great read and to see it from his first-person account, see it more than an account about numbers and credit risks gone bad it's a story about people and politics-all brought together during the world's impending financial Armageddon. Even if your have different political views it's always interesting to see it for a different view.


On the Brink

Thank you to Hachette Book Group for another great book!

WIN IT: Hachette Book Group has offered 5 of my readers

On the Brink book.

To Enter just leave me a comment. 1st Entry MUST be done before any of the extra entries. SUPER easy.

EXTRA ENTRIES - Do as many as you like just leave a separate comment for EACH:

Giveaway ends 3/31/10 Only residents of the U.S. or Canada are eligible to win. No Post Office Boxes.

I was not paid for this review these are my opinions and experiences, I received products to try and to tell how I liked them. No monetary or any other form of compensation was given to me. I review products free of charge to give my experience and opinion.


  1. I'd like to read this book. Thanks.

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  7. Hey girl! This is a book my husband would LOVE to read.


  8. My hubby would like reading this book.

  9. This looks like an interesting read from an informed source!

  10. I subscribe via email at annmarieweeks at verizon dot net! -#1

  11. I entered your The Last Song Book Giveaway!

  12. I entered your The 8th Confession Book Giveaway!


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!