Tuesday, March 23, 2010

WWW ~ Bubbles, Shop Cart Sleeping & Check out the Box Tops

Hi everyone so sorry I haven't been along for the last few days, with Rick's unemployment situation. I've been spending my off work time helping with resumes and of course taking advantage of him being here so I can get some gym time in! I promise to be by soon! I'm so sorry I'm not ignoring you, please don't stop leaving comments I promise to catch up this week!
This weekend was jam packed, it was the first weekend I worked all 7 days. Sunday was our first day so not many calls for me to do so I was able to go back to bed for an hour before Caden got up with a cough and snotty nose ... ugh! No church didn't want to get the other kids sick so we hung home, the whole day Cole kept asking to go play he even begged to go to McD's playland! UGH that is probably the H**L place that Caden sick since he doesn't leave the house!
So a quick recap ... and oh yes a quick recipe. It was a box one which I don't usually do but Sunday as you know not a good day and hello I'm down one income so my scratch desserts for the neighbors will be cut back!
A box top update!
We turned in 372!! Fingers crossed his class wins!
Guess What?
They're back!!! (In my creepiest Poltergeist voice)
The big trucks that is! They tore up my old road & put a new one down.
Made my internet shaky the last few days .. UGH
Saturday we headed to Rachael's for some fun bubble blowing.
The boys had fun and I only had to raise my voice like 15 times .. lol
Glad to know my husband isn't the only one that hides when the kids are running crazy
My boys are loud glad we're still invited back .. lol
We did a little shopping and a little sleeping.
Poor Caden started to not feel well.
Then headed to my parents house for some fun and dinner!
I made Cheery Cheese Cake Cups!
Save A-Lot has Ginger Evans No Bake Cheesecake
Follow directions! Put in the fridge 1 hour!
Top with Cheery Pie Filling!


  1. *BIG HUGS* glad ur ok! Keep smillin darl :)

  2. First of all lady we don't all just come post to your blog because we want you to post to ours...we come to your blog because we care about you and what you are up to!
    Thanks for the visit on Saturday...the kids are totally on a bubble kick now and it is a ton of fun to watch them run around in the yard chasing bubbles.
    Hope Caden feels better soon and I hope you get the 'Third Child' back to work soon too!
    Good luck on the Box Top Campaigne!

  3. Girlfriend, I like cheesecake in any of its incarnations!
    I hope the job hunt is fruitful soon.

  4. I hope Rick finds a job. THAT is what is most important.

    Sorry Caden is sick. I hope he feels better very soon.

  5. poor little caden in the cart.. poor fellow..

    hope he gets to feeling better.. still thinking of you.. things WILL work out.. just remember that!

  6. Cherry Cheese Cupcakes. You are like the Best Mom Ever!!!!! Now if you could figure out how to email a batch over to me, I'll be eternally grateful.

  7. Yum on the cupcakes! Sorry Caden wasn't feeling well. Praying that a job will come quickly. Sorry about the trucks :( again.

  8. 372!? that's got to be some sort of record! And those cheery cheese cake cups almost look too cute to eat!

    I said almost.

  9. great pics hun and the story was superb.. cheery xx

  10. I love sleepy babies in grocery carts, though I hate having to drag another one around because you can't fit it all in!

  11. Awww, hope the little guy is feeling better. Love the pictures. Make sure you are taking care of yourself while you are taking care of everyone else.

  12. I can't believe Caden is sick again-poor little guy! :-( He does look cozey in the grocery cart though! ;-)

    You sure got a lot of box tops! Wow! I hope it was enough for his class to win :-)

    I hope the job search is going well. I'll keep praying for you guys! :-)

  13. The cheesecake cups look yummy. Hope the little one feels better soon. Wow, that's a lot of box tops!

  14. Sweetie, I know your neighbors appreciate everything you do for them, no matter if it is homemade or from a box. You are such a great person that even in your time of need you are still thinking of other people, you will be rewarded - I am SURE!!
    Poor little Caden looks so sad in the shopping cart, I hope he wasn't sick for too long.
    Big hugs to you all and prayers for Rick to find a job soon! :-)


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!