Wednesday, March 31, 2010

WWW ~ Sleepy ones, Thank Yous, Long Lost Friends & Easter Nest Cookies

Yet another fun weekend here, well it was actually a little slower. I was so exhausted that I just hang out around the house. I've picked up the extra shift so I'm working Sundays also. Sunday's are a little tricky for sleep ... lol. Saturday I work at 6am - 9ish (this weekend a little after 10am), then Saturday night 11:30p to 2:00am and now insert Sunday 6am to 8:30ish. I even got in a quick work out before Church, sorry pastor that I was nodding off didn't mean too! After that it was grocery shopping and even a visit with a friend from High School that I haven't seen since I was PG with Caden! I really meant to take a nap or go to bed early ... LOL

On a prayer request Rick's had 1 interview that called him back for a 2nd interview, sad point it's part time :(, no benefits which currently covers me and the boys ... ugh! Right now I'm down $600 a month so I guess I'll take it and hope it turns to more? And look into health care out of my pocket .. ugh again!

Hugs everyone thanks for all your kind words and prayers!

While Rick worked on the doors again we put the boys in bed together!
Caden even gave Cole a hug in his sleep!
Caden's Week, he's missing daycare!
Try on brothers shoes and run around half naked.
Line up cars and trains for the "Car Show"
And Cole lined up the fridge magnetics for a "house"
Yes they are OCD like me :)
Cole made a super sweet picture and letter for my bosses
Thanking them for his Birthday Party
I sent some gifts with the picture.
My boss sent me these cute pics:
The loot pic .. lol
And yummy fruit Salad with the bunny marshmallows I sent.
Look even the Monkey Bank I sent is making an appearance.
I had the chance to meet up with my good friend Laurie
We met on the last night of Business Week my Junior Yr in H.S.
We've been friends since, we don't get to see each other that often.
Note to self taking a picture of yourself wasn't the cutest pose.
And of course a recipe!
I made these for the neighbors, don't they look cute!
A great idea for Easter.

Easter Nest Cookies

Easter Nest Cookies

1pouch (1 lb 1.5 oz) Betty Crocker® sugarcookie mix
1tablespoon Gold Medal® all-purpose flour
1/3cup butter or margarine, softened
1container (12 oz) Betty Crocker® Whipped fluffy white frosting
1cup flaked coconut
Food color
Jelly beans

1.Heat oven to 375° F. In medium bowl, stir cookie mix, flour, butter and egg until dough forms.
2.Shape dough into 24 (2-inch) balls. Place 1 inch apart on ungreased cookie sheets.
3.Bake 7 to 9 minutes or until edges are light golden brown. Cool 1 minute; remove to cooling rack. Cool completely, about 15 minutes.
4.Frost cookies. Add coconut to a 1-quart resealable food-storage plastic bag. Add 2 to 3 drops food color, shaking bag to blend color. It may be necessary to add 1 to 2 teaspoons water to help disperse the color evenly or additional food color until desired color is reached.
5.Sprinkle about 1 teaspoon coconut onto each cookie. Top with jelly beans


  1. Those cookies are so cute!

    Glad you got to see your friend Laurie; it's fun to see your then-and-now pictures. My best friend from school now lives two time zones away, so we've only seen each other once in 15 years. I'm so glad for email!

    Can you get health insurance through COBRA? I know it's still expensive, but maybe better than buying on the open market. Or, if you're in any associations, there may be opportunities to save. Or ... I don't know much about these, but how about a cost-sharing group like I don't know anyone who's in it, but I've heard of similar programs, as well.

  2. Your weekend still sounds busy to me! LOL! I don't know how you work the hours you do and still get up workout and go to church. (Coffee right? LOL)

    Caden is so cute lining up all his cars. Blake does the same thing, but puts them side by side. Oh and him and Cole sleeping together-adorable!

    It's so nice to get together with old friends, isn't it? I've been seeing old friends from high school and it's crazy how so much has changed.

    LOVE the cookies! I may have to make some with the kiddos...if I remember to get the ingredients-LOL!

  3. seriously.. them boys sleeping together melted my heart a little.. they look SO ADORABLE..

    and by the way.. i'm sorry to say, i'm still laughing over those high school photos... not that you don't look good... but well, old high school stuff of anyone is just funny to me (mine

    still thinking of you guys!

  4. My favorite thing is to peek in their rooms to watch my kiddos sleep.
    It's always good to catch up wit an old friend!
    Really!?! When do you have time to make cookies??? Can you say grocery store?

  5. Sounds like a nice weekend! Those cookies are adorable!

  6. I hope the job comes through!!!

    The cookies are very cute. I love coconut...

  7. what a fun weekend. I loved the boys in bed. How cute.. I loved those cookies. Yummy..

    I may make some..
    Hugs to Rick I hope he gets a job soon.

  8. I love the then and now pictures of you and your friend. I'm glad you got to hang out.

  9. Fingers crossed and prayers that the job goes through (better than nothing for now!).
    Cute pics of the boys sleeping! SO precious!
    Yummy goodies and way cute picture of you and your friend from H.S!

  10. Praying for Rick. Just love the boys sleeping ~ so sweet. You know my son would do things like your boys yet my daughter is the one with OCD! What a sweet note he wrote :) Nothing like meeting a friend dinner. Those cookies look cute and I have stuff to make them.
    I think I will. I am also going to use a lamb cake pan I have but make rice a rice krispies lamb. We are actually having ice cream for dessert because we are also celebrating our son's best girl birthday and she wants ice cream.

  11. That is so sweet. Times like that make you KNOW how much they love each other. And YUM, those look good!

  12. Girl...I don't care what you say you are SUPER WOMAN!! They cookies are darling and look oh so delicious! Sending HUGS and good thoughts your way..also hoping for a great job for your hubby!

  13. How fun to meet up with old friends...and girl I am so impressed with your workout dedication. That's NOT to say that I didn't think you could do it...I'm just envious.

    Thank goodness you have an outlet for the stress. If anything that would get me pounding to the gym.

    Your Easter Nest cookies looked so yummy!! And the boys, they are just so much fun (yeah, I know thats because i don't live with them). I want a red bedroom!!!

  14. I love those cookies :) and kiddos are so adorable! You too girlie :)

  15. The photos of the boys sleeping are adorable. I also love the photo of Caden half-nekked with the big shoes.
    I'm so happy that you got to visit with your girlfriend from HS. Looks like you had fun.
    I think those cookies look so yummy and I'm sure your neighbors adored them.

  16. The Easter Nest Cookies you made look cute. Bet they were delish.


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!