Monday, April 26, 2010

Another Bloggy Make-Over by Diana @ Custom Blog Design

My friend Stacey had my gal Diana redo her blog extreme style. It turned out GREAT, I just love it and guess what I got a $5 coupon for referring her! I'm so excited because I can do Caden's Birthday invites next :).

So make sure to hop over and see Stacey @ Kingston Girl, she's a great gal that lives not too far from me and I hope one day we can meet.

Kingston Girl

Then make sure to say hi Diana and if you need a blog design, a twitter page or even a invite please stop over and make sure to tell her I referred you :)

Custom Blog Designs


  1. Thanks I love it and I love you!!! We will meet before you know it!

  2. Anytime my dear! It's my pleasure & I can't wait to meet you! MUAH

  3. Diana does do a wonderful job!!! :-)

  4. What a great looking blog Kingston Girl, although I've never seen it before, it looks fabulous now!
    I LOVE the colors and the layout is terrific.
    Enjoy your new site!


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!