Saturday, April 17, 2010

Lumby Lines Book Review

I'm very excited to share with you a new book, this book I really touched with me because it's based in Washington! I always love books that are based in my home state. Lumby is a sweet town that reminds me very much of my home town before we became commercialized.

On a drive threw this beautiful country Mark & Pam Walker of the East Coast are on their annual trip. Previous years they hit a rough spot and to work on their relationship they found a beautiful place to escape. On their drive threw the country side Mark sees something that is so beyond words he swerves and stop in front of a Montis Abbey. A once beautiful building destroyed by fire and once the home of monks. They walk around the beautiful land that once had beautiful architecture and orchards that use to bare many different types of fruit.

On a whim to change their fast pace lives they take their life savings and buy the Montis Abbey. They decide to restore it and turn it into a inn. Many of the small tight knit community didn't like the "city folk" coming in and taking over the Abbey. Mark & Pam hire local workers and start making friends, still not all where sure they would have the community at best heart. Their close friend Brooke comes to visit and help draw up the plans for the restoration. Along the way they make friends with some of the monks who use to stay at the Abbey and a former Monk that Brooke starts to fall for.

Along the way the make many great improvements to the Abbey and the orchards and don't forget the bee hives and oh yes the marijuana field in the back. let's just say the marijuana gets into the hands of a different type of visitor. The annual rafting race is the turner point for the "City Folks" that lead to a brave rescue and the respect of the town.

You'll laugh and tear up with this book and the best part it is a series (Stealing Lumby, Lumby's Bounty, The Promise of Lumby, and Lumby on the Air (coming Spring 2010). I've already started on Stealing Lumby and can't wait to finish it I need more time at the gym to finish it!

BUY IT: Amazon has The Lumby Lines by Gail Fraser for regular $14.00 on sale for $10.08 or for you lucky Kindle owners $9.99. I recommend this book as one of my favorites to read, Gail has a wonderful way of writing and making you part of this magical town.

I received a book to review, no money was given for my time or thoughts. This review is my own opinions and thoughts.


  1. Happy Sunday Poser..

    I have a fun tag I would love for you to join in...

  2. WHEN in the HELL do you have time to read woman? WOW!!!

  3. It sounds like a pretty entertaining book.

  4. I love book reviews - I'll have to pick this one up. Thanks!

  5. Consider it added to my To Read list.

    Now....where did I put that list........

  6. As soon as I finish the 14 books I have on my Kindle, plus the one I have to read for my book club (which I'm not caring for - TeeHee), I'll have to try this one because it looks really good. You know I like a good mystery with a great love story thrown in... Thanks for the review.


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!