Thursday, April 8, 2010

Things that make you go HMMMM ....

Applesauce with Strawberries

Dave Lieberman

Recipe courtesy Dave Lieberman

Show: Good Deal with Dave LiebermanEpisode: Grandma's Visit

Found on the Food Network Website


  • 3 pounds McIntosh or other apple of choice (about 9 apples)
  • 10 large frozen strawberries
  • 1/3 cup sugar
  • 1 lemon, juiced
  • 1/4 cup water
  • 1/8 teaspoon allspice


Peel, core and slice apples 1/4-inch thick. Place apple slices in a large saucepan. Add remaining ingredients and simmer until a sauce consistency, about 45 minutes. Use a potato masher, if necessary, to break up any lumps, but leave slightly chunky.

And don't forget to stop by my friend Amy's who's hosting Round Robin (click button below to check it out)


  1. Love the toes! After 7 straight days you deserve that and more. Good Job!!It is not just boys that leave the girls are horrible and they also like to leave me surprises by not flushing. EWWW did I really just say that out loud. Sorry to gross you out. Congrats on the winnings! How fun! Have a great weekend!!

  2. Yay for the Pedi! Like the hairspray + nail polish trick! Strawberry applesauce looks yummy! TP roll leftovers= :(! Great job on the gym 7 days, I need to get there :)!

  3. Strawberry applesauce sounds great and I bet it made your house smell wonderful!

  4. WOW!!!

    hairspray and alcohol.. i'll so be remembering that one!!

    your toenails look awesome!

    have a wonderful wkend!

  5. It was so good to see you. You look amazing.. Love the toes and your hair.. Wow what wins you have had.. Thanks for linking up.. This really looks yummy and amazing.. Have a great weekend..

  6. I wish I had your will power and time. Kuddos to you for working out, let alone 7 days in a row. There was a time when I went to the gym 5-6 days per week and my body craved it. Oh how I wish I were there again.

    Happy Friday!

  7. Thank God you have the gym to go to. The strawberry applesauce looks delicious. So glad that the INK came out! Great wins, hooray for you. Goat soap ~ where did you get that from? You will be always be replacing those TP rolls with the boys in the house. New make-up, how awesome is that and a pedi!
    I figured it out, you must not sleep to get so much into your day.

  8. Your tootsies look perfect! :) And I never heard of the hair spray/alcohol trick for removing ink - I'm going to get busy! :)

  9. looking good gal, loved the toilet roll thingy hahhaha

  10. The toilet paper's SO bad here.

    That applesauce looks good!

  11. Oh your notes rally had me laughing this time. Why must people try and talk to you when you clearly can not! And I cringed when I saw that ink! Can't believe it came out!

  12. Super cute toes!

    And the applesauce? Love it! The wee ones are very sad that Aldi no longer has the cherry/raspberry/strawberry/peach applesauce that they loved that was one of the VERY few we can find with no HFCS. I may have to make this for them as a surprise. :)

  13. Yay, a pedi! Awesome!
    YUM, strawberry applesauce! Thanks for sharing!
    Hairspray and alcohol? I'll try to remember that if I need it (hopefully I wont!). Where'd you hear that from? Genius!

  14. Good for you on the pedi...
    Thanks for the tip on the ink, do you have anything for crayon on the walls-URG!!!
    staw-sauce looks yummy!!!

  15. I like your stress-relief gifts! Both my mom and sister use Clinique prodcuts and love them. One of these days I'll stop being so cheap and start using them myself! ;-)

    Monkey farts soap? Too cute!

    That scarf looks so nice on you! Great wins!

    Never knew about hair spray and rubbing alcohol for ink! VERY good to know for the future I'm sure! ;-)

    That applesauce looks SO YUMMY! I will have to remember to try that when I make applesauce again!

  16. Very pretty pedi, you SO deserve it and nice make-up from your mom.
    I love the reference to Arsenio Hall - and unfortunately, I AM old enough to know what you meant. :-(
    Hey, chocolate releases endorfins which are natural mood enhancers, so you absolutely deserve a little bit of them and after going to the gym 7 days a week, a little bit of chocolate is OK!!
    Great goodies that you won and I'm glad the kids are having fun with the "Monkey Farts" that is such a boy thing!
    The applesauce recipe looks devine, thanks for sharing.
    Have a wonderful week.

  17. Awesome tip on the ink removal! Stowing that away in the brain under "Will need to know someday"!

    Stopping by from Supah's! Happy Tuesday!

  18. Cool Post its. That applesauce looks yummy.

    Thanks for sharing.

  19. 7 days in a row??? I am so impressed! Nothing makes me feel better than a pedicure ... works every time. The strawberry applesauce recipe sounds delicious.

  20. that looks/sounds yummy

    you took pictures of my toilet paper holders, how dare you, LOL

  21. Goat Soap?? IDK I got that one and I read it twice?? So I'm guessin' you had ham for Easter??

  22. I'm going to send my husband a link to this post so he can learn to change out the toilet paper roll. Thanks for that!


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!