Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Weekend Wrap Wednesday ~ Did We Already Do That???

Wow yet again a fast weekend! We got some major things done, or I should say Rick did around the house. I just worked ... lol :)
The boys room got a make over!
We're doing a Planes, Trains & Automobile
More to come ....
Right now black, grey and white paint up.
And bunk beds up, crib down (of course forgot to take a pic)
My parents picked up Cole @ 3:30pm Friday
They met Caden & I for dinner
Then Cole stayed the night, poor Caden cried.
Caden took a nap in his new bed yes that is the carpet he grabbed :)
And the Fohawk for Caden!
Invites done! The magnetic price went up pkg of 3 not 5 anymore
for $3.99, so I only did 3 pkgs the others will get just a photo.
Cole put up his photo and put his name under it ... lol
And guess what a impromptu date night
Rick knew I was totally needing some me time!
So he got his friend to come over and we used the GC to Anthonys
Yes of course I got coffee and snagged his crackers :)
So not a healthy night but this is RARE occasion!
Getting ready, what I'm not ready oh crap my hair .. LOL
I short but sweet one this week, I'm pooped time for bed :). HUGS love you all!


  1. Oh girlie, can't wait to see boys room all done :) sounds like so much fun!!! Love the pictures!!!

  2. I love the design too! SOOO glad I found her on your blog! I love the trains, planes and automobile's theme! Can't wait to se how it all comes together. No more crib!?!? WOW! That is sure to make a certain someone dish out the "Big Boy" card huh? Thanks for grabbbing my button! Have a great rest of your week!

  3. I too can not wait to see the end result of the room... Looks like a big project and I'm sure the boys will love it.
    Glad you got a date night.. Always nice to get a night alone with the hubby....

  4. i cant wait to see the room either.. i love home makeovers!!!

    and i looove the magnetic invites.. very cool!!!

  5. Good luck sans cribs. It looks like the transition is going ok though!

    Magnetic invites are way cool. I wonder if you could print them on cardstock and just use part of the magnet to stretch it more or no?

  6. How nice you had a date night. You have to have a treat once in a while.

  7. What a wonderful, busy weekend you had! I bet the room is going to be adorable!

  8. wow sounds like its all go lol, friend I have a special award for YOU :)


  9. Looks like a fun weekend. I'd love a date night!

    Cute invitations.

  10. really a rug.. that is just too funny. Love the new rooms and can't wait to see more... Wow a date night.. I so need one of those.. Have a great evening..

  11. Sounds like a super cool room!
    ROFL that Caden grabbed the carpet and covered with it! =)
    Cool invites!
    Rik redeemed himself... Helping around the house AND setting up a date night! Wow, what came over him? Hope it keeps up! ;)

  12. Thanks for leaving a comment :) Looks like you guys were busy! I love magnets! I'm in party planning mode right now too!

  13. What a great Idea honey bunny! Can't wait to get together we should totally craft. I am going to do a big BBQ at the house in June, I will give you lots of time so you can come. Please check out my new blog and follow me! I would love it if you could tell some of your blogger friends about me!

    I am having the same lady re-design my blog. I told her you sent me! Love ya!

  14. I always feel bad for Caden when your parents don't take him :(
    Love his mohawk! Looks like you were at Red Robin ~ YUM! Love the magnets on the invites, cute idea.
    Looking forward to seeing their room when it's done.

  15. I love the magnectic invite idea-very fun!

    Can't wait to see how the boys' bedroom turns out-sounds like it will be cute! :-)

    I'm so glad you made it out to dinner with the hubby! Date nights are great! :-) Rich has been hinting at wanting a date night sometime soon too :-)

  16. Love the sassy smile with the super 'do! : )

  17. Good for you for having a date night. I'm sorry I'm so behind! But you looked smashing!!!

  18. I'm loving the color of the boys room, can't wait to see the finished product.
    Sorry about Caden being left out again by your mom. He looked adorable on his new bed with the car carpet! (BTW, I like your mom's new haircut, I think it makes her look younger. You can tell her if you want, or keep it to yourself if it makes you feel better.)
    You looked beautiful for your date night with Rick. I'm glad that he recognized the fact that the two of you needed to spend some time together and arrainged for you to go out alone.
    Hugs & Love to you all.


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!