Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Weekend Wrap Wednesday ~ The Super Mom Cape has Arrived!

OMGosh it's already the middle of the week! Well holy moly it's time to wrap up the weekend ... LOL I know I do it in the middle of the week, but come on you all know you love my recipes on Monday & Tuesday! This weekend flew by, Sunday was my first day off in about 4 weeks it was great to sleep in well that is if one sleeps in ... not this girl I couldn't sleep no matter what! UGH
The boys room coming along!
A new heater put in, the beds up and new black paint on the dresser!
Next to get the train that goes around the ceiling working and the the other stuff on the walls!
I got my hair colored then on a whim got it cut!
Yikes a little shorter then I wanted but it makes me want to loose more weight ... lol
No ONE has said a thing!
Oh wait a cute 5 y/o told me he like my hair.
Is it if no ones says anything it's not cute?
Oh & the TP gods hate me guess what I had to do when I was at the hairdressers.
Yup change the TP! Curse you!!!
And check it out a package arrived for me and made my day
My poser friend Amy @ Keeping up with the Schultz Family had a giveaway
for her 1 year anniversary of Round Robin
We have a running joke she doesn't eat pork & you know I cook with it a lot!
So yes those are pigs for the address!!!
And her daughter Alyce wrote a note to the boys!
My favorite was all the magazine details she put on the box
The best:Instead of racing against the clock,
Slow down and savor everyday moments
Oh yes I need to take that one!!
Made some Snowballs & Bon Bons for the neighbors
Thank you Betty Crocker Box kits!!
Sorry no homemade stuff this week.
My amazing friend Rachael @ Rachael's Space made capes for the party this weekend.
She was so sweet to help me on my whim!
So yes everyone who keeps asking were is my "Super Mom" Cape
HERE it is:
At Rachaels the kids played and had so much fun
So much Caden took my slanket and went to sleep
So there it is our crazy weekend!!! Not much sleep but I'm working on that. Thanks for stopping by!


  1. I know what you mean about not being able to sleep in ... although lately I'm getting good at that.

    You totally deserve the Super Mom cape, and I think your new haircut looks great!

  2. This sounds like our weekends - we normally stay about that busy too!

    I think it is hilarious that you had to change the TP at the hairdresser!!

  3. love that train riding around toward the top of the ceiling.. so cool and creative!!

    and btw- i think your new hair is very pretty!

  4. Your hair looks great. Men just don't notice these things. The publicist once went into the hairdressers with long brown hair and came out with very short red hair and the male person did not notice.

    She got a big bunch of yummy flowers for that.

    I love your new cape!

  5. i love how u put things together, this blog is the best xx

  6. Yowsers you have been busy! I can't wait to see the boys' finished room.

    And yes, your haircut looks cute!

  7. If I had the chance to sleep in right now I would probably sleep all day long!

  8. OH Poser,

    I am so sorry I missed this post yesterday.. Love the boys room and I really loved the pictures about my box. I am glad you enjoyed it. Seeing you eat the peep brought tears to my eyes.. I am all out now..

    I think you look sexy.. I love the new hair cut. I am growing my hair out for a change.. How funny...

    Love the mommy cape.. Have an amazing day..

  9. Th boys's room looks so fun! I love trains!

    Your new haircut is adorable! I'm surprised no one has said anything-really cute!

    The super mom cape is great! Can I get one too? ;-)

  10. Wow! Busy!! I love the cape!! Your hair looks great, that always feels great!!

  11. Glad you had Sunday off. The bedroom is looking great and I LOVE the train! Your hair looks wonderful, love the color and cut.
    I got mine done about a month ago and no one at bowling noticed!!!
    It was allot shorter too! I am always changing TP! Amy is my friend, not yours............okay, we can share her. I love that saying, it was perfect for you "Instead of racing against the clock, slow down and savor everyday moments" Love the capes!

  12. Love your new hairdo... you look fantastic.
    Caden looks adorable wrapped in your slanket - so glad they had such a great time.
    I'm happy that you finally got your well-deserved Super-Mom cape. :-)

  13. The hair is WAY cute!
    Wow, the boys' room is awesome. Do they love it?!
    I can't believe you JUST NOW got a cape! LOL! You need to wear it 24/7, even to the gym. And then take pictures. =)

  14. Love your hair, and TP LOL room is looking great, can't wait to see more! Adorable pictures as always!

  15. Youve inspired me -- I gotta go get a "do" finally. UGH! I hate hair appointments I feel like I am just wasting time and money sitting in a chair only to know I have to find another 2 hours of my life to schedule to do it again in 5 weeks.

    And, what's a slanket? Enlighten me.


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!