Wednesday, April 28, 2010

WWW ~ Cole's 6th Birthday, Cupcakes & Treats

Oh my what a weekend we had! Friday was Cole's birthday so I made cupcakes for the classroom and gave them each a color book and of course a lolipop rings! The individual cups cake turned out great!!!
Then Saturday was my first Saturday off in a while. It was so nice but it wasn't like it really was a day off! LOL we had a busy day it started early and didn't stop. I was a little sad the lady that filled in for me had a GREAT day, yes just a little jealous ... haha!
Now my second attempt at cupcakes was a cupcake cake ... let's just say it tasted good :). The kids had so much fun and I was so happy to be able to let all the kids enjoy themselves.
Cupcakes for the classroom
My attempt at a cupcake cake!
I learned that the frosting with tips is tricky!!
I had color books with crayons on the tables for the kids.
I obviously can't count I had one extra :)
The kids, some even dressed up!!!
You know how hard it is to get all kids in pic & facing forward!
We had face painting!
Cole loving transformers went for bumble bee!
Yes and a daddy got talked into by daddy's little girl!
Fun with Balloons, Pizza, Cupcakes and toys!
Rick thought my cake would be funny looking so he got Cole a special cake
Check out mom in her "Super Mom" Cape
Only one ding dong had to go dirty with the S M on cake
GG with her 3 grandsons
Cole's BFF from across the street came to the party and his mom Brenda came along. It was so nice to actually sit and talk to her. We're going to put the boys in a parade next weekend. While talking I found she loves the peanut butter treats I bring over so I found two new recipes to try!! I'm so excited I have a new adult friend to talk to, talking to the kids can only take me so far. I even hung out talking to her and her husband for a few hours on Sunday! Yeah, now onto the treats.
Chocolate Yummies

(Nutrition Information)

  • 7 Crackers Keebler® Grahams Original
  • 2 1/2 cups miniature marshmallows
  • 1 package (12 oz., 2 cups) semi-sweet chocolate morsels
  • 2/3 cup light corn syrup
  • 3 tablespoons butter or margarine
  • 1/2 cup crunchy peanut butter
  • 3 cups Ready-To-Eat Cereal Rice Krispies®

1. Coat 13 x 9 x 2-inch microwave-safe dish with cooking spray. Arrange KEEBLER GRAHAMS ORIGINAL crackers in single layer in dish, breaking crackers as needed to fit. Sprinkle marshmallows evenly over crackers.

2. Microwave on HIGH 1 minute or until marshmallows are puffy. Remove from microwave. Cool completely.

3. In 2-quart microwave-safe mixing bowl combine chocolate morsels, corn syrup and butter. Microwave on HIGH about 1 1/2 minutes or until chocolate is melted, stirring every 30 seconds. Stir in peanut butter. Add KELLOGG'S RICE KRISPIES cereal, mixing until combined.

4. Spread evenly over marshmallows. Cover and refrigerate about 1 hour or until firm. Cut and store in airtight container in refrigerator.
Peanut Butter & Jelly Crisps

(Nutrition Information)

  • 3 tablespoons butter or margarine
  • 1 package (10 oz., about 40) regular marshmallows
  • - OR -
  • 4 cups miniature marshmallows
  • 1/3 cup creamy peanut butter
  • 6 cups Kellogg's® Rice Krispies® Cereal
  • 1/3 cup desired flavor jelly

1. In large saucepan melt butter over low heat. Add marshmallows and stir until completely melted. Remove from heat. Stir in peanut butter until melted.

2. Add KELLOGG'S RICE KRISPIES cereal. Stir until well coated.

3. Using buttered spatula or wax paper evenly press half of the cereal mixture into 8 x 8 x 2-inch pan coated with cooking spray. Spread with jelly. Press remaining cereal mixture on top. Cool. Cut into 2-inch squares. Best if served the same day.

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  1. Happy birthday to him! Everything looks delicious and love how you tied the ribbon around the crayons.

  2. You are the best mom! You make everything so fun and special!!!

  3. Now that's what I call a great party!...Happy Birthday........

  4. Mercy you really deserve that cape woman! That looked like one heckuva party!!!

    And as always, I am soooo hungry now.

  5. Looks like the party was a hit and he had a great time! I liked the cupcake cake!

  6. Wow, I am having a sugar rush just reading this post! And I'm lovin it! I have been SO in the mood to bake and bake and bake so I'm so glad for the recipes!

    And happy birthday to Cole! You look so cute in that cape!

  7. Jeeze girl! Do you ever stop? The party was great and the kids had a TON of fun (they were mad at me for making them leave but we had too many other commitments to stay any longer - they don't really understand that tho).
    I thought your cupcake cake looked fine! Next time you get a day off- Run AWAY (you know like to that free spa with the yummy massage boys and the fat-free-but-still-delicious-food and the oh, wait. That was a dream).

  8. You are the coolest mom ever! Your kiddo's are going to have such awesome memories!

  9. Chocolate Yummies those look good!! Thanks for sharing!! Wow, you are busy and looks like with success!!

  10. What a wonderful party... those cupcakes are making me droooolll!

  11. I have to admit I love rice crispy treats.. I will have to try this one. What do you do for work anyway if you dont mind me asking??? You are more than welcome to e-mail me with that one.. My girls would love these.. I will have tosee how much I have on Friday when i get paid.. We are so dang tight.. I hate it.. Jeff's hours just went back up but its not going to show until next payday for us on his end... It sucks.. I have 3 items up on Ebay also.. and then my etsy shop..

  12. Hi! Sorry to do this to ya but I had to change my blog name and URL here is my new link if you will visit me again and click follow once more it will update itself! Thanks so much I appreciate it! Love, Julie (The Mommalogues)

  13. Adorable!
    That "C" on the cup cakes is just like a super hero would wear. Good idea.
    You had one extra 'cause people don't know how to RSVP!!!!!!
    The party looks like it was a blast. Well done!!!
    You BTW Look great!
    Hair = very nice
    Make-up = perfect
    Face = look'n thin
    You go girl!

  14. If it tasted good that's what counted. I thought it looked cute.

  15. I'm so happy that the party went well. Looks like they had allot of fun. Love your cape! Okay, those two recipes sound wonderful.
    All of my favorite things. I don't know how you manage to do all the things you post about but I'm glad you do. Thanks for sharing them.

  16. Looks like an awesome birthday! How fun! :) Thanks for stopping by today.

  17. You won an award! Check my page out to see what you won! :)

  18. Okay, you are definitely the kind of mom that I want to be. That all looked like so much fun! I bet he had the best time. I loved your cape:)

  19. Looks like fun! You look great in those pictures, btw.

  20. what a party.. Loved the cup cake cake. What are you doing in the bathroom take a picture of the cape? I did love it.. You look amazing Poser. Have a great day.

  21. Happy birthday kiddo!!! Sorry I'm so late! But the party looks so awesome and the food too yummy!!! Love it girlie, and the "Super Mom" Cape is so cool you rock!!!

  22. AWESOME party! What a lucky kid! You're too cool! I bet those who didn't make it are sorry now! =)

  23. What a FUN birthday!!! And those rice krispie treats look amazing! If I had the ingredients I'd be making them today!! :-)

  24. What a fantastic party - you really are a Super Mom! But more than that, I agree with Blue Violet, you are the BEST mom. I know that all the kids had a great time because the photos show the smiling, beautiful faces!
    You look so beautiful in your cape with your new hair cut.
    Those chocolate, marshmallow, Krispie treats look so good, I'll have to make them for myself sometime soon.
    I knew your neighbors would love all those treats you sent them... so glad you made a new friend, you so deserve one!! :-)

  25. Looks like Cole had a wonderful birthday. I printed out the recipe for the Chocolate Yummies. Definitely going to have to make them sometime soon.


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