Friday, May 21, 2010

The End of Chapter in our Life?

As most of you may know my grandfather passed away about 4 years ago. My father is the executor of the will and being the only child in the state meant he also got the clean up duty. Which also meant me, Rick, mom and my friends were asked to come help clean up the place. Let's say the place was so dirty and full of crap from years of hoarding. The first year I even took a WEEK of vacation to work there with my parents. We laid 30 yards of gravel and 30 yards of bark. Oh yes this has been a labor of love. I'm sad that I believe the house may have sold and half the land. It's exciting it may have finally closed this chapter but sad that with the housing market it is having to lower it almost 1/3 of the price of what it should go for.

Bye Grandma & Grandpa you have been missed and your house has been a lovely reminder of your love. Having the house around kept you close and now I have photos to remind me and a tear in my eye that this may be the close of this chapter. The deal is not complete but in my heart I know it's time to close this chapter. I'll see you one day in Heaven, love always!

And to end this I leave you with some funny things that we've had to deal with over the last 4 years with this house.

Don't forget to stop by and visit my girls:


  1. what a amazing post.. You should share it for Family Fridays. That is such a wonderful story. It is wild what happens to things when we are gone. Like you said you did your best.. Have an amazing weekend.

  2. Thanks for linking up..

    It is great to have you as always..

  3. I have tears in my eyes. I dread the day when my mom and dad go because I am the only one.. I dont have brothers and sisters from my mom.. i was her only child.. i dread the clean up and selling of poperty.. Ok I have to go and get some stuff done.. N..

  4. I grow tired just reading all this so u must be knacked doing it lol, fab as always xxx

  5. The drag queen one was hilarious!

    Kind of bittersweet to finally have it be coming to a close.

  6. It is a sad time. ((HUGS)) When I did my aunt and uncles estate we had two house to empty and sell.
    They didn't save everything but I hear you on the styrofoam trays.
    For us we had to toss photo albums etc. They never had children and my dad and I just didn't want them.
    It is very sad when lives end. So glad that it is almost done. I am sure you and your dad are glad to be moving past that.

  7. I am sorry for your loss but remember the memories are in your heart and not in the house.
    You can take them out any time you want...

  8. The memories are the best part! Hang in there...

  9. I can understand how it would be to sell the house. I agree with Priscilla: the memories are in your heart, and they'll always be with you.

    I can relate about growing up during the Depression and saving everything. My MIL saves those foam trays, boxes from the bakery, and almost everything else. But she uses it all, so she really does save money that way!

  10. I can imagine how hard it must be to say goodbye to their house. We're in the process of cleaning out my grandparents' house now and it's been sad...and they sound a lot like your grandparents-they stocked up on everything! Their freezer was full of grandma's homemade bread, rolls upon rolls of toilet paper and the fruit cellar packed with canned goods!

  11. I'm sure you are a little bit sad and a little bit relieved to be finished with all that hard work. I can't believe it took that long!

  12. Wow, that's a very large house to fill full of stuff! I can imagine why it took so long!
    Bittersweet I'm sure...

  13. Sounds like my MIL's house.

    Have a great Tuesday!

  14. Sorry that you had to deal with that. I can't imagine how you must have felt. Your grandparents hoarding did make a lot of other people happy though. I can't seem to understand the styrofoam? It seems very gross, even clean it does.

    Happy PINT!

  15. So bittersweet ... missing them, yet dealing with the aftermath. Glad you have wonderful memories to carry you forward!

  16. Wow that's a lot of memories!

    Stopping in from PINT.

  17. You know that my heart is breaking for you... what a bittersweet thing that you had to go through.
    I know that you have such wonderful memories that will stay in your heart forever.

  18. I agree , at least you can take happy memories away or (keep).
    It surely was a labour of love.
    Glad lots of people benefited from blankets.


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!