Sunday, May 2, 2010

Make Something Monday ... Beer Cheese Soup

Another amazing recipe that I could actually make from my foodie friend Chef E at Food ~ Wine ~ Fun and her yummy recipe Beer Cheese Soup in Bread Bowls. This is great when dad comes to visit and leaves beer in my fridge. I'm not a big beer drinker and either is Rick so of course I can't throw away so I make dinner with it! This was amazing and so delish and the beer totally cooked out so it wasn't like sitting back pounding one. LOVED it!

European Street Style Beer Cheese Soup

1 cup onion chopped
1/2 cup carrot finely diced
1/3 cup celery finely diced
1/2 cup butter
3/4 teaspoon paprika
3/4 teaspoon dry mustard
12 ounces beer
3 cups chicken broth up to 5 cups if desired.
4 cups cheddar cheese shredded
2 cups half and half
1/2 teaspoon Tabasco
1/2 cup Flour
1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
Chef E's Directions:

Sauté carrots, onions, and celery in butter until the onions are translucent

Stir in flour and cook on low heat for 3-4 minutes, whisking constantly, making sure it does not burn.

Stir in beer (must be first to cook off the alcohol), paprika, mustard, Worcestershire, and broth. Use wire whisk to smooth. Add cheese, slowly bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer for 10 minutes. Feel free to mix up the cheese or a use a blend of cheeses, such as cheddar and Parmesan, sharp cheddar and colby-jack, or whatever. Tonight’s blend was some of the smoked cheeses that I cold smoked last week, including mild cheddar, white cheddar, and fontina.

Remove from heat and fold in half and half (or heavy cream if you want to get that first heart attack out of the way tonight). Add Tabasco. Serve w/ extra Tabasco on the side and fresh popcorn as garnish.
ALEXIS NOTES: I didn't have carrots or celery at that time (I made this one a few months back and wasn't so good with having veggies on hand all the time). I did have some potatoes and threw those in! Chef E has lot's of fancy cheeses too on hand this girl used what was on sale at grocery store. One day I'll experiment and have some fun cheeses to play with. It was so yummy even with what I had on hand ;). I used my fat free half and half and it tasted great.


  1. Sounds good to me! We're not beer drinkers, either, so we never have it in the house. :)

  2. Hm, beer...cheese... Now that's the way to start your week off!

  3. I'm cutting and pasting this one right now. And I have celery and carrots in the fridge. Boo-yah!

    PS I ordered Secrets of a Skinny Chef yesterday. Can't wait to get it.

  4. Looks good!

    I've given you the Sunshine Award on my blog. Check it out when you get a chance!

  5. sounds great..

    bet my hubs would LOVE this!!!

  6. mmmmmmmmmmm sounds scrummy, u are the best xx

  7. It does sound really good. I really haven't made soup, I guess I should try this.

  8. We dont drink any acohol in this house hold.. Even when my dad does come to visit he usually buys the 44 oz bottle and that takes him all day to drink almost.. then he is done with his beer..

  9. Beer and cheese, what's not to like! Yum :)

  10. I've never heard of a Beer Cheese soup, but it sounds so good! I bet that bread bowl would taste pretty amazing too! :-)

  11. Having it in a bread bowl sounds sooooo darn good!

  12. I love soup in bread bowls!! By the way cute picture of you stirring the soup!!

  13. Not so sure about putting beer in the soup, I don't know if I'd like the combo with the cheese... but I could always drink it while I'm cooking! :-)

  14. Phew! I made it over. We went to GA to fish, and my writing load has been very interesting!

    Sounds great! I did not actually have either the last time I made this and I made enchiladas a few weeks back and posted a few post ago, it was the bomb, and I put peas and mushroom cheese in that! he he pea enchiladas, go figure there was so much we ate it for days!

    How ya doing!


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!