Sunday, May 16, 2010

Michael Jackson In Search of Neverland Book Review

As many of us did we grew up with the Jackson family and Michael was near and dear to many of hearts. Neverland as many said was the sale of a lifetime. Could you just imagine buy it? How about where this story started?

Gloria Rhoads Berlin is where this story stared and let's just say it I would LOVE to be this spunky in my 80's. Can you imagine being the real estate agent who found the ranch for Michael Jackson? Gloria was this person in deed. She even went to the extra length to put flowers in each room, knowing that Michael loved flowers. The owner of the ranch had to make a special deal with the florist and even was able to return some of the two hundred and fifty THOUSAND dollars worth of flowers.

Though it took some time and negotiating Micheal got what he called his "Own Slice of Heaven". The book is only 108 pages but has wonderful pictures and her writing cracks you up and touches your heart. Truly a great read and many probs to Gloria who self-published the book!

Pick up a copy of Michael Jackson: In Search Of Neverland for yourself at Amazon for $16.99 or $9.99 on Kindle.

I received a book to review and give my opinion no compensation was given for my review.


  1. Sounds like a really neat book! I hadn't heard of it before, so thanks for your review! :)

  2. Sounds awesome girlie! Great review!

  3. Please don't hate me, but Michael Jackson is one person I could NEVER stand and I am SO sick and tired of hearing about him!


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!