Monday, May 24, 2010

MSM ~ PB&J Stuffed French Toast

Happy Monday morning everyone. I was having one of those weekends just a little overwhelmed and a pitty me day ... lol. Sometimes you just feel like the bug in the windshield of life and yup it was that weekend. Come on universe stop picking on me, I'm giving it my all back off ... haha Just playing. So what does one do when you feel like that you get a soul comforting food. After watching Diners, Drive Ins & Dives and Guy stopped at a place that was famous for PB&J stuffed french toast. So that was what I was on a mission for. This is a simple and easy one not hard to make but it hit that spot that I was needing some ooey gooey goodness to fill the void :).
It's not one of the prettiest but darn was good!!!
I made this before Church, let's just say thankfully a short service
because it was putting me to sleep ... :)
I did a search and found a Rachel Ray version.

Rachael Ray's Peanut Butter & Jelly French Toast

Servings: 4
Difficulty: Easy
Cook Time: 1-30 min

Rachael Ray is the queen of making quick, easy food — and now the cook has come up with some delicious family meals in her new book, aptly titled "Yum-O: The Family Cookbook."

In some of her recipes she takes a twist on traditional foods, like boosting French toast with some peanut butter and jelly. Check out some of Ray's tasty eats by trying out the recipe below.


  • 8 slices whole-grain bread
  • 4 tablespoons peanut butter, creamy or chunky
  • 4 tablespoons all fruit spread, flavor of your choice
  • 6 eggs
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract
  • 4 tablespoons butter (1/2 stick)
  • 1/2 cup pure maple syrup, warm
  • Cooking Directions

    Spread 4 slices of the bread with peanut butter and the other 4 with jelly to make four PB&J sammies.

    Beat the eggs, milk, and vanilla together in a bowl.

    Place a large nonstick skillet over medium heat and add 2 tablespoons of the butter.

    When the butter is almost melted, dunk two of the sammies into the egg batter and let the excess drip off. Place in the pan.

    Fry the sammies until golden brown on both sides, 3 to 4 minutes per side. Repeat with the remaining 2 sammies.

    Cut the French toast sammies into 4 sticks apiece and serve with warm maple syrup.

    Recipe Summary

    Main Ingredients: peanut butter, jelly, bread, eggs, milk, vanilla

    Course: Brunch, Breakfast

    Alexis Note: I halfed the recipe since it was just me and the boys and even though I was needing to fill a void I still wanted to fit into my jeans. It's not pretty but it's ultimately about feeding your belly and putting a smile on your face! I added a little cinnamon & sugar along with nutmeg :).

    I found the recipe HERE it was featured on Good Morning America.


    1. oh freakin' yummy!!!!

      btw- i do this too but with waffles if i've ever had an especially bad day or am pms-ing.. seriously.. try it!

      hope you get to feeling better!

    2. MMmm, that looks yummy!

      Sorry you had a rough weekend.
      Goat hugs

    3. ((HUGS))
      Those sound delicious. Yum! I am making French Toast casserole tonight for our bowling party tomorrow.

    4. Looks good to me. Just think of all the potassium in the peanut butter. :)

    5. I hope that this week is a great week for you and your moment of self BLAH passes soon!!! I will have to share this with my son, he is always up for cooking us new things!!!

    6. You get so creative for breakfast! The most cooking I do for breakfast is eggs or pancakes...the rest of the time it's cereal-LOL! These sound delicious though, so I might have to try them! :-)

    7. oh I so love french toast this Sound amazing to me..

      Happy Monday..

      Stop on by when you can I am posing with a new friend today..

    8. Sounds and looks delicious! My PB&J kids would love this one. Wishing you a great week! Hopefully we will get a little sunshine.

    9. I saw this and said "oh get out"! PB&J, I have stuffed it with cheeses, but hubby might even go for this! he is such a food snob, and I love breakfast, and went out for whole harvest pancakes for lunch today, since he left town, lol!

    10. ooooh, my! i think this will be breakfast tomorrow!!!

    11. Yum! I bet my boys would love this!!

    12. Hope you're better today mama! HUGS!
      That looks delish! I love stuffed french toast (with the cream cheese filling). Ill have to try this! Thanks!

    13. I've been self-medicating with food, too. That looks yummy.

    14. Holy cow, anouther one that sounds so good. I love Rachael Ray... she is amazing! I adore how she takes simple stuff and just adds an extra touch to make it taste even better, without making it difficult.
      This sounds great and it sounds really good for you because of the fruit spread and the protein in the peanut butter, plus the whole wheat bread. Way to go mama!!

    15. I'm so making this, my kiddo will love it! Thanks girlie!


    Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!