Friday, August 20, 2010

Last Week of Carnival Craziness! (PINT Style)


  1. You need a vacation after this!!! Have fun, hope it all goes well.

    Lots of yummy love,
    Alex aka Ma What's For Dinner

  2. That is always the way of it.
    I'm sorry.
    Good luck.
    See what happens next year when you DON"T help

  3. If I were close, I would come and help you!!!!

    Hang in there!

  4. It's almost over! It's too bad that it only takes one or two people who aren't team players to mess up the whole deal.

  5. girlfriend.. you DO TOO MUCH!!!!
    and i am with bee&rose.. i PROMISE if i were close.. i would so help!!

    have a lovely wkend!!!!!!

  6. This is exactly why I decided to quit the PTA...everyone has an opinion and no one wants to do anything!

  7. I spent so many years volunteering and people don't realize (well, you do) what a tough gig it is. Plus putting out money for supplies up front is not fun!

  8. good luck with this dear I wish u all the best xxx

  9. God knows what your are doing and that your heart is in the right place. He also knows all about the other volunteers. Hang in there.

  10. Hey Poser,

    What a wonderful job you did. I would not do it again. You did your part and now should move on to other things. I hope you do not sign up again. I do not like to see you work so hard and then others are way too rude to you. They are lucky I do not live close by. Have a great weekend.

  11. Wow....and you worked so hard. I'd help in a minute if I were closer, but we are on the other sides of the country from each other...I did one volunteer thing once and it ended up this way. Money out of MY pocket, no shows and childish crap. Have a great day!

  12. This doesn't seem real. Are you kidding me, they are acting like they are back in HS. Please don't do it again and I pray that someone comes through with recognition of your hard work.
    God know the truth and I guess that is all the matters.

  13. I'm sorry you've had such a rough's hard to imagine that people are giving you trouble after you've went through all the work to get this together! I hope it all works out in the end and it's a great time! :-)

  14. I don't know how you do it girl ((hugs))!

  15. I'm with Tracie... what you do has not gone unseen! I'm also with the other ladies and you damn sure know that if I was closer, I would be ther first one in line to help you and would be there every day with my marker in hand to color and my checkbook in hand.
    I know that all the kids will have a great time and that will be SO worth it. Big hugs!!

  16. Whew! Doesn't say much about their character since its a CHURCH carnival, huh? Maybe they should listen a little harder during the sermons rather then the gossip?

  17. Bless your heart! It doesn't make anything fun with ppl like that.

  18. Hugs! I always wonder at people who expect martyrdom for doing what they signed up for... I'm sorry that you had so many bad experiences with one event and hope you find a new outlet for your volunteering talents :)

  19. Hugs! I always wonder at people who expect martyrdom for doing what they signed up for... I'm sorry that you had so many bad experiences with one event and hope you find a new outlet for your volunteering talents :)


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!