Sunday, August 1, 2010

MSM ~ Watkins Whole Wheat Pizza Dough Review

As most of you know Friday is movie and pizza night here. It started to cut cost by making my own pizza, which now has just stuck because it just taste better when you make it at home. I've been trying every dough that I can find, so when Watkins contacted me I was over joyed!
Watkins makes my favorite Vanilla, you can see the bottle in my photos in most of my desserts that I make. It's a little more then your average Vanilla, but so worth it and I found that Walmart has it rather inexpensive!
The Whole Wheat dough that arrived was for a thin pizza, which at first made me step back. We usually are the deep dish pizza family but cutting calories is not just having whole wheat dough but less of it. I know my carb loving senses hate this but then I took a bite and was pleasantly surprised I didn't need all the dough. The amount I got made my tongue do a happy dance maybe a flip or two!
I received a cookbook and a deep dish dough will be showing up here soon on a review. Today I have to share this yummy pizza we had a Friday!
BUY IT: $5.99 for a package ... hello you can make the pizza w/ toppings for less than $10!!!
Watkins Whole Wheat Thin Pizza Crust Mix just add water - Let rise and there you go!
Toppings I used:
Pizza Sauce
Thin Shred Pizza Cheese
Canadian Bacon
Turkey Pepperoni
Black Olives
(I had some ground turkey but it takes like crap so I didn't put it on)
The pizza was a hit with all the boys! Thank you so much Watkins for my yummy pizza crust I can't wait to try more. And for you who don't like to bake no worries Watkins carries Personal Care Products, Home Care and Gifts! Love them you will never be disappointed with their products.
I was not paid for this review these are my opinions and experiences, I received products to try and to tell how I liked them. No monetary or any other form of compensation was given to me. I review products free of charge to give my experience and opinion.
Make Something Monday


  1. We make homemade pizza, too, and it would be fun to try it with a good purchased dough. Thanks for the review! And I'll have to remember to look for the Watkins vanilla, next time we're in WalMart. (We don't go there often, but occasionally we do.)

  2. We try to replace all white flour products with wheat when possible. I'll try this if it's available here.

  3. this all sounds awesome.. i am a pizza fan any how it is!!!

  4. During the school year, Thursday is our pizza/TV night., because we watch Survivor. I'm so glad to come across a whole wheat pizza dough—will have to try it!

  5. I love making pizza at home! I get to control the ingredients and it keeps the family happy!
    Sorry it took so long for me to stop by but thanks for my award!!!

  6. Ooh, this sounds great! I like to use wheat flower as much as possible. Thanks for the review.

  7. I love homemade pizza and lately all my crusts have been made with whole wheat flour and it tastes great!

    How fun that you got to try this!

  8. Pizza we love but I dont buy from Watkins usually.. Will have to look it up sometime and see what we can do about making home made pizza..

  9. We love pizza in our house.. Yummy no pig though. Happy Monday Poser.

  10. That does looks pretty awesome. I actually grew up with super thin pizza in Chicago except for Gino's which is extra thick but totally different from thick crust you get from places today. Glad they liked it.

  11. Interesting. I've never heard of this. A dough where you just add water... no kneading or waiting or anything? Hmmmm.

  12. We do homemade pizza and movie on Fridays too and love it. I always do thin crust on mine to save calories too and just recently found an easy wheat crust like this one!

  13. Sounds like a yummy pizza... not sure if I'd like the whole wheat crust. We've tried it a couple of times and not really loving it. I'm glad you can get your men to eat it and you like it, but that's not happening in this house! HaHa
    Looking forward to more of your recipes. :-)


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!