Tuesday, August 31, 2010

WWW ~ Karate, Date Night, Birthday Party and Playdates

Did we really pack that all into our time off? Yet again I threw everything I could into a small amount of time. Oh yes we did :)
We're trying out Karate for Cole
Thankfully 3 day trial $19.95
Date Night happened
Calm your hair down Alexis it happened.
I even wore wedges, hey that is a step up for me!
My friend from elementary school invited us for playdate on FB
Isn't FB awesome!
We hit the town and guess what they had a carnival going on.
YES this is how you do a church carnival.
I bet they didn't have to deal w/ Busy Bees!
After playdate we had to run to a birthday party!
I love my friends parties they are the type you can stay at until night fall.
Yes we did :)
Caden of course went upstairs and played by himself so like his mom
Sunday after church Rachael invited us to play at her house.
Yes the boys took out EVERY toy possible!


  1. Wow what fun. That reminds me of yesterday where I tried to fit in as much as I could in one day.

    It went:
    - Up and at 'em.
    - run Wiggle Tots
    - get supplies from town
    - buy lunch and groceries
    - take youngling to grandpa's
    - go shopping for bed for youngling
    - have cup of tea with friend
    - kill some time at 3:45pm at aquatic centre
    - feed the ducks
    - go home prepare dinner and tidy.

    Doesnt look so much written down but there was a lot doing nonetheless.

    Thanks for sharing
    Take care
    Kate Collings


  2. Looks like another busy and fun weekend. I'm so glad you finally got your date night too!

  3. wow, I'm so glad I found your blog...you have me cracking up over here! SO FUNNY :)

    Found you on a sidebar through another blog, and so glad that I did!

    New follower here :) have a great day!!
    Your family is precious and so is your blog!!!!

  4. You are always so busy! Gavyn is all for playing by himself like I was as a child! Glad you had a great weekend:)

  5. How do you do it???? You're my hero!

    Lots of yummy love,
    Alex aka Ma What's For Dinner

  6. Yeah for getting a date night in. FB is amazing that is how all of the Mom's get together for our play dates. Yeah.. I hope you are having a great week.. HUGs..

  7. so glad you guys got to have a date night!!!

    and btw-- those shoes.. SOOOO rockin'... LOVE THEM!!!

  8. Your hair looks great poofed AND sleek! I can't believe the sight of that floor and the toys!

  9. Your blog is so cute! Thanks for stopping by and following my blog.

  10. excellent u guys are entitled to time out, bravo xx

  11. What a fun weekend, especially for the boys. I have a friend who has her three children in Karate and they love it. Love the picture of you with your hair. Your so cute!

  12. I have been busy working 2 jobs and one of them is full time from 10PM to 6AM.. and then i got an interview yesterday and got the job so i am quitting service master and taking the one closer to home.. and keeping the midnight shift one too.. i am crazy but i am going to enjoy it..

  13. One of these days youre gonna crash and burn with all you do!

  14. What fun! My kids do the same thing with toys as much as I try the whole one at a time thing...doesn't work! Caden is so much like Blake-he could play by himself all day-he's SO GOOD at keeping himself busy! :-)


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!