Thursday, September 23, 2010

A Fun Week Working From Home .... (PINT Style)

Only Parent Chronicles


  1. lol - good post for a friday. wish i could be working at home too :(((((

    ~ash's mum

  2. Girl your posts wear me out! You are such high energy it amazes me.

  3. Whew! I don't know what to do when we have internet problems, either--and I don't have a job that depends on it.

    Get some rest this weekend!

  4. Ugh internet providers need to get up to speed. Time Warner is about to get a piece of my mind as well as Dlink because my modem is horrible. Have a great weekend!

  5. sheeeeeesh.. poor you!!!
    i really hope you Internet gets fixed.. AND stays that way!!!

    have a wonderful wkend!!!

  6. Hey the yoga pants, slippers and bun are my standard. I DO NOT wear make up more than four times a year as I would rather have that half hour of sleep/tea time in the morning...then again I only leave the house a couple of times a week so there you go.
    We had Qwest until we moved, they don't come out this far and so we had to switch. Gotta say, I do NOT miss them one bit.

  7. Too funny Poser you are hard worker. I know you are. I am in my comfy pants today. I did shower and fixed my hair but no make up. I love days like this. Have a wonderful weekend..

  8. You are smart. Working at home=no need to shower, no need to get dressed, no need to PVR "The View" or "General Hospital" ('cause that's when I'd take my 'breaks')...
    Now I did add myself as a follower even though your thingy is broken...and I'm now a fan on FB so I'll always see when you update!
    Really enjoyed your post (I must have because I don't follow just anybody on FB, that shit takes up alot of time).

  9. Wish I could work from home but I dont make enough in my etsy shop to keep me at

  10. That is a very busy day!!! I love being home and my postman has seen me in my robe & pj's many times.
    Thank God your parents are close by.

  11. There's always something stressful going on at your house. I hope you got it fixed for good! Have a great weekend.

  12. The problem I would have in working from home would be my bed. Oh, that thing calls to me all the time!

  13. You are one busy woman! Working at home is fabulous:)

  14. I love your "Post-It Note" Posts!
    You pack so much info in tose little stickies.
    I hate weeks like that... I am so sick of our ISP, I wish we could change, but we are stuck with the one we have and we thought we had to use their crappy modem/router, but Bill found a really good one from Apple and it works really great. Plus we were really lucky to find one person at our ISP that knew what he was doing and spent a lot of time helping us make sure that everything was working properly and even called us back the next day to make sure it was still working right. AMAZING, huh? Real customer service... we tell our friends in town about him. :-)
    When you get a minute, stop by my blog, I have something for you:

  15. haha! Loved your post its!!! I am now following you!!

  16. What a crazy week! Glad your internet is back up and running...I don't know what I'd do without mine! :-)


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!