Monday, September 27, 2010

Lunch Price's Got you Down?? (Review)

When I worked out of the home I use to eat out a lot, then I started adding up what the cost was. I couldn't get over the $6 a day which didn't seem like a lot but then I thought that is $30 a week then $120 a month! Now I work from home and have cut out my lunch budget, but I still have lovely Rick who spends $6 to $8 a day. The math doesn't seem to faze him, believe me I can go blue talking to him about it.
My mom on the other hand takes her lunch every day. Now the brown paper Starbucks bag she takes every day is great but not very environmentally friendly. I just knew when Simply Bags contacted me I would make my mom smile. They have the cutest bags to choose from Lunch Cooler bags to Fabric Lunch Bags. Mom works in a warehouse with no refrigerators, so either she packs items that are not needing to be kept cold or have a bag that keeps them cold. I picked a Lunch Cooler bag in the Personalized Lunch Bag section.
Mom has a great playful sense to her so I picked out this bag that has white poka dots w/ her nick name stitched in pink. Cole called her from the beginning Monnie and it has just stuck. You should have seen the smile I got when I gave it too her! She called me after work today to gush about her new bag and how many compliments she got. Love being the bringer of a smile!
Stop the craziness of running on your lunch break to get a bite to eat. Not only are you picking up unhealthy food items, your wasting your lunch hour running around and waiting in lines and think of the extra $100+ you could have to buy a new pair of shoes ... what I'm a girl :).

BUY IT: Simply Bags prices range from $27.99 to $33.99 heck that is one week of eating out! Yes that means it will pay for itself in the first week, how often can you say that? The bag is well made and made to last. You will enjoy these bags for a very long time.
Disclosure – The product featured in this review was provided to me free of charge, by the manufacturer or representing PR agency. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.


  1. Cute!! I love that bag, its awesome!

  2. Can't argue with something that's cute, functional, AND affordable!

  3. I won a twitter giveaway for Simply Bags a while back and use it for everything. They are super adorable.

  4. What a cute lunch bag. Definately the way to go!


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!