Sunday, September 12, 2010

Sour Jacks Watermelon Candies (Review)

Looking for a great tasty fat free snack? I have had the opportunity to try Sour Jacks Watermelon chewy candies. They were great, well the few I got to eat before little Cole took them one night into his bedroom and finished up the pack. Yup my little man who sneaks food, we're working on him :).

The candies weren't overally sour like some I've tried in the past. The watermelon flavor was great and not over powering at all.

We don't have candy in the house too often since mom is a can't stop snacking kind of girl. These could be dangerous due to I just want to keep going and not stop. I've seen these at most grocery and drug stores. Along with you lucky people that go to the movies you can always pick up a pack there. For us who don't get out, we pick up a pack and watch DVD's at home :).

BUY IT: Check out this flavor and others plus some fun games at Sour Jacks.

Disclosure – The product featured in this review was provided to me free of charge, by the manufacturer or representing PR agency. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.


  1. My kids sneak food too! There is no working on it. They never stop, they just get sneakier!

    I hide my candy in my underwear drawer, because they think it would be gross in there. More for me, think I will have to look for these 'cause they look yummy!

  2. OH wow something new to try for sure. Yummy..

  3. I'm horrible with sour candy/gummies. I would down that whole bag in a sitting, just like choco covered peanuts!

  4. I'm not big on sour candies, but both my boys are. I'll have to get these for Nik's next care package to Afghanistan.
    Don't feel bad about Cole taking food to his room, both mine used to do the same thing. I'd find all kinds of wrappers under the bed. TeeHee - just like you do! :-)


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