Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Weekend Wrap Wednesday ~ Labor Day 2010

This was the weekend that started out with so much promise and ended with so many things going wrong ... ugh!
Head up to grandfather's Estate:
Caden rode the lawn mower & ran threw woods
Mom & GG posed for a quick pic
Cole even took a turn to drive
Bapa helped the boys pick black berries
And of course bubbles
Cole had a burger date with Monnie
Play Iron Man on the Wii
Pick some blueberries
Enjoy a burger
And crash out grocery shopping :)
Monnie had a shell hunt down at the waterfront
Throwing some pinecones in water!
Look at the pretty shells, I got to take home .. :)
Shoveled some gravel
Opened car door and brother went crashing to grown :(
Flat Tire ... We'll go there on Friday

There is more but I'm pooped, It was one thing after another and I'm still peeved over the other so I need to rest on it ... lol. Don't worry I'll let you know on Friday.


  1. That looks like a pretty good owie he has! Ouch!

  2. Wow! Lawn mower rides, picking blackberries and blueberries, searching for seashells-what a fun time for the boys!! :-) Poor Caden though-ouch!!

  3. Oh no I hope he is feeling better, that looks so painful, poor little guy. Looks like everyone had a great weekend though, minus the boo boo:(

  4. It sounds like it was a great weekend until the flat tire and Caden. Oh my, the poor boy. It looks pretty sore. ((HUGS))

  5. Wow it looked like the boys had fun until things fell apart. That is what happens to me also. I hope that Caden is okay OUch. Poor little guy. I hope all is okay for you. Hugs..

  6. another jam packed weekend im tired just reading this lol xx

  7. Always full of adventure around you! =)
    Picking berries sounds like fun (and way yummy!). And a burger date... what a fun idea!
    Poor Caden! How'd that happen exactly? Hope he's doing better now!
    Hope all is ok with you mama. Sorry I've been MIA. Haven't been reading blogs much lately. SO busy getting ready for baby and trying to get stuff going with my blog... Luv ya mama! Muah!

  8. Ouch! Poor little guy. At least the first part of the weekend went well. :)

  9. I hope Caden is feeling better and up to his old tricks real soon!

  10. Hope kiddo feels better, that looks like it hurts a lot ((hugs))

  11. Yikes that is a nasty boo boo! Oh forget my sillness of the garage door story- he needs mommy hugs! So do you, big sister hugs from your twin!

  12. Oh, my poor little Cole. Hope it doesn't stay so red for long.
    Give him a kiss for me. HUGGLES!!


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!