Wednesday, September 22, 2010

WWW ~ Cleaning, Baking and a Wet Fair Day

What a fun weekend, NOT really love that Rick had the weekend off from his day time job. But let's just say it was nice when he went to his night job. Rain + 2 kids + 2 Adults + 1100 sq foot house = small space yikes (just think of Chris Farley dancing around in David Spades jacket in Tommy Boy). Yup not pretty and seams will bust!
Rick get's on a Clean FREAK mode
So I spent 5 hours taking pics & posting on craigslist boys clothes
Did some baking (yup that is flour all over me)
And some caramels mailed out to bloggy friends.
Boys decided that their room needed to become
a WAR ZONE! Yup that made Rick pleased ... NOT
Home Improvements again
Changing knobs from tacky gold to a polished silver
Yup we're trying to move out of the 70's
Monday my parents took the boys to the fair.
I of course got off late ended up getting there a little before 5pm
Parked, walked in and already spent $20!!
Found them walked around for 1 1/2 hours, got poured on and then to the car
Yup that equals to $13 an hour to look like a wet dog!
The boys got some serious loot.
And the wavy hair I was left with after the fact.
Not a lot of going out this weekend but sure had a lot going on. And no hits on my craigslist items ... you got to be kidding me. Talk about a waste of time ... don't let Rick know he was right! CRAP


  1. Great photos! And I think the wavy hair is cute! :)

  2. well.. i do believe that as usual your wkend was a tad CRAZY!!!!

    great pics though!!!

  3. You are always having crazy weekends. We are changing out door knobs as well, amazing how much change a doorknob makes:) I hate rain hair on me, it goes frizzy wavy and UGLY. Yours does not look bad.

  4. You're awesome...I adore you. Wish we lived on the same block because we'd have soooo much fun.

    Love the flour all over you!

    Lots of yummy love,
    Alex aka Ma What's For Dinner

  5. Oh the fair... ours starts neext week!! Can't wait but it is huge waste of money!!

  6. Fairs are definitely a big waste of cash!

  7. I need to work my way onto that caramel mailing list! lol

    I also need to bake and clean. But it just doesnt seem to be happening today.

  8. Nice pics!

    If I had an award for best blog name I would award it to you! It's great and the pics/background,etc are terrific as well.

  9. too fun of a weekend. I do not like it when it rains and you are trying to have fun. We got rained on at a parade. I hope you have a better week.. That stuff will sale just give it time..

  10. I dont think any element would stop u doing your thing, great pics xxx

  11. I know of some places that charge much more to look like a wet dog, so I say you did pretty well on that one! I hate time-wasting projects: I spent HOURS a few weeks ago getting kids clothes washed and put on hangers for a local consignment store, and the woman took less than a 1/4 of the clothes -- and they were all in great condition -- no stains, brand names, etc. Sigh.

  12. Sounds busy as usual for you, I don't know how you do it sometimes.
    Hmm I don't remember getting any caramels in the mail *Pout, Pout*

  13. I havent been around much working 3rd shift.. Sorry.. but i hope this craigslist works out for you.. i havent sold anything else on it but my car.. and that went faster than i can say thank

    ooh home made morsels.. i want Ok just teasing. I need to get back to my cleaning. i had tonight off and everyones in bed.. so i can clean and watch movies till like 4 AM and then go to bed... yayy me..

  14. I've never used Craiglist. My husband used it once to sell a vehicle and got a good response. Anytime the fair is in town or around locally, I avoid it like the plague. Costs an arm and a leg.
    The loot the boys came away with looks pretty neat and the boys look like they had fun at the fair.

  15. We changed our doorknobs upstairs, too but it was a HUGE hassle. The hole was too small for the new ones.

  16. Oh my dear........try 1100 sq ft with 4 adults.....1 teenager.....1 little TigerBoy and a baby on the
    That's our small space......oddly enough, it's actually not so bad......

    Funny how busy life gets when it's not

  17. No fun being crammed in the house while it's rainy...I know how you feel, though-we have around 960 sq ft and it always looks like a war zone here! LOL! :-)

    LOVE you new door knobs...ours are stuck in the 1930's-LOL! They barely turn and no locks :-/

    I think we need to go to your fair! Did they get those backpacks there too? Those are AWESOME!! :-)

  18. Sorry about the rain at the fair, that is not fun! Hopefully you will get some calls on your stuff.
    We always just call for a pick-up.
    The door knobs look nice. I bet it feels better having cleaned out things.

  19. I have a fairly new 4000 sq ft house and IT has the tacky brass crap too! I HATE IT! I wish fixtures weren't so darn expensive to change out because they'd ALL be gone!

    Love your photos!

    I'd LOVE to have a man that cleans..LOL


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!