Tuesday, September 14, 2010

WWW ~ New School, Blueberries & Some down Time

It was actually kind of a lazy weekend ... I know shock and Ahhh! We did have a little running around but mom actually had some time to breath and take a nap :).

The Highlights :)
Cole Started First Grade!
New School, he's adapting well.
He's antsyness is calming a bit (we'll talk about that soon)
Caden decided while mom was finishing Saturday at work:
He would be come the new Roller Skate Derby :)
After work we head up to my parents house to pick Blue Berries!
My parents have 7 bushes and it was a bumper crop!
Saturday Afternoon:
Lunch & hanging in the back yard!
Cole has now gotten good at catching the frogs.
One decided that he rather hang on the jetski toy instead of the water!
Sunday momma was tired so we hung out at home!
Then I went to the 7th level of H*!@ - McD's Playland
Thankfully just the boys - straight hm for a bath!
And what to do with some of the Blue Berries :)


  • 6 cups blueberries, rinsed and lightly dried
  • 1 tablespoon cornstarch
  • 1/4 cup sugar
  • Pinch salt

Topping Mixture:

  • 1/2 cup all-purpose flour
  • 1/2 cup quick-cooking oats
  • 1/4 cup packed light brown sugar
  • 1/4 cup sugar
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg
  • 3/4 cup chopped pecans
  • 1/2 stick room temperature unsalted butter, cubed
  • Whipped cream, for topping
  • Ice cream, for topping


Preheat oven to 375 degrees F.

Toss blueberries, cornstarch, sugar and a pinch of salt together in a bowl.

Combine flour, oats, brown and white sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg and pecans in a bowl. Add butter and pinch into chunks. Mix until it looks crumbly.

Add the blueberries into a 2-quart baking dish. Top evenly with the crumb mixture. Bake for 40 minutes. Serve with ice cream and whipped cream.

ALEXIS NOTES: Next time I'll use a smaller pan, I think it would be better so you have more berries and topping. If you use the larger pan it's more spread out. I used whole wheat flour and sugar substitute. Skipped the pecans, the whipped topping and ice cream. Now it was lower in calories but that didn't stop me from eating and eating :).


  1. Do you think I could use that same recipe and substiture apples? Yay for a new school and I'm glad it's off to a good start!

  2. Ok YUM that sounds so lush! Ive seen lots of berry bushes around where I live but am nervous to try any incase I give myself a poisening of sorts. :-S

    Glad your youngling has settled so well in school. Roll on the day when I can send mine - he will love hes such a socialite lol

    Take Care
    Kate Collings xx

    www.Katecollings.blogspot.com - always wecoming new followers, guests and comments xx

  3. Looks like a fun week and glad you had a chance to rest. Pretty soon you'll catch up with me on the naps :)

  4. I'm a huge blueberry fanatic. I will eat anything that has blueberries in it.....get some rest girl nyou are always go go go!

  5. i looove blueberries.. especially coblers!!!

    and ooooh!! caden is SO FRIGGIN CUTE in his little stripy jammies with his skates on... so adorable!!
    both your kids are so cute though!!

  6. OMG That looks soooooo nummy...I love frogs ;) kidding! I can't wait to try the cobbler....I think I'll use my tried and true crumble topping but I have never done it with blueberries and it sounds soooo good!

  7. You could always just make double the topping. heh

  8. The blueberry crisp sounds awesome.
    I have to get myself into the baking mood like I did last fall.
    Hope Cole loves his new school and I pray he has a great year. Caden always cracks me up! Picking blueberries must be fun, how lucky you are. Enjoy the rest of your week and I'm glad you had some down time over the weekend.

  9. I'm glad you got some rest, and I have to tell you that the blueberry crisp sounds fabulous. Yum. Blueberries freeze well, too, if you don't use them all up in desserts. :)

  10. I love blueberries! I am so jealous! I love blueberry picking! I have a blueberry crunch recipe over at my place that is so yum, too! I guess great minds always think, "Blueberries".

  11. I really like your blog, thanks for following. Come on over to my blog & check out the award I gave you!!!

  12. I miss frogs. We dont have them here in the desert.

    Mmm! The blueberries look yummy!!

  13. Cute pics of Cole at school. Hope he has a wonderful school year.

  14. This recipe looks great! I need a low carb. version. lol

    My son Ryan just started first grade too. He is still getting used to the routine his teacher told me last night at Open House. As long as he is not hanging on the bathroom wall, licking his shoe or hiding notes home to mom (like last year....)I think we will be in good shape!

  15. Oh, how I love blueberries! I'm starting to think about pumpkin flavored goodies around here.

  16. what a fun weekend. I love the skates and the frogs. How cute..

  17. YOU got... GASP... A NAP?

    OMG...did Hell freeze over!?!


  18. So glad Caden is doing well at school and Cole looks like he is having fun with you at work.
    I love fresh blueberries - I like to make pie and blueberry bread pudding.
    Also really glad you got to get some rest and take a break.


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!