Thursday, October 21, 2010

REALLY??? Taking stock of those moments!

Only Parent Chronicles


  1. Oh how I hate homework! And the Hubs NEVER helps! So not fair. And mine takes lots of naps too. Also NOT fair.

  2. Oh, I could write so much on this, but I'm too tired right now. But I'm glad I'm not the only one this stuff happens to. My hubby likes to buy not just one of Krispy Kreme but a few dozen as if we are stockpiling. Problem is they never last that long. Maybe he was planning on feeding all of our pets, also.
    The yoga pants thing is so true, speaking from personal experience. Just read an article a couple of weeks ago about not wearing yoga pants all the time because you will never feel them getting tight because they stretch, so you should wear regular pants or jeans.
    See, we already knew that.
    Hope you have a calm weekend. :)

  3. What IS it about frosting in a can? I never use it on cakes, but it's irresistable from the can. How can that be??

  4. I'll say it again, thank god we don't have Krispy Kreme here, but Tim Hortons doesn't help being 3 seconds down the road. I think it's funny how men get sick, they are suppose to be the big tough guys and act like wooses?sp when sick, babies! Have a great weekend:)

  5. so glad coles sleeping better.. i happen to think sleep is super important.. and i bet this will make loads of difference!!

    well... even though you maybe thought you didn't need a doughnut.. it was sweet of him to bring you some home.. lol

    have a wonderful weekend!!!!!!!

  6. Lots of things going on in your house. Men want their wives to be thin yet they bring home sugar for use to eat. It doesn't make sense. So happy to hear that Cole is sleeping :) Have a nice weekend.

  7. I love the one about mom sweeping the floor every morning!

    My hubby brought home a whole custard pie just for me..ugh
    Trying to keep from eating it all in one day.

  8. busy busy busy xx have a great weekend xx

  9. Oh my what a week. I love anything pumpkin. I hope you have a great weekend.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Men are always dying when they are sick.
    It's the way of the man

  12. The TO is the same way when he gets sick. It's very frustrating.

    I hope you're having a good weekend!

  13. I would really love some jeans taht fit as well as my yoga pants. :)

    and... insert major sad face here -- I can't even FIND canned pumpkin TO make anything pumpkin-ish

  14. Hey! I knew these notes were familiar! LOL

  15. Legos on the floor are a pet peeve of mine. I also get the 1st grade homework thing.

  16. Sounds like a real busy day for you Don't forget to keep smiling :)

    Hop here from PINT and follow you
    Happy Tuesday

  17. I ea frosting as is, sometimes maybe with animal crackers but it is fine by itself, eat away!

  18. Hmmmmm...pumpkin muffins...I'm salvatiing...


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