Friday, October 1, 2010

Things you find at the fair (PINT Style)

Only Parent Chronicles


  1. The best of the best and the worst of the worst, I guess! I haven't been in years and need to go!

  2. What is it with half-naked people and the fair? It's like a People of Wal-Mart exhibit at ours.

  3. We love fairs but I agree the prices are ridiculous. Who would go to the fair in a pair of stilettos wow. Have a great weekend!!!

  4. It is a fun day in the life of my Poser.. OH I was laughing the whole time while reading. You make me smile. At least the children had a fun time. Have a great day..

  5. Wow, $20 to park!? I'm glad you had fun in spite of some of the people who were there.

    As long as you're gaining the weight just by smelling fried foods, you might as well go for the fried Oreos. Right? :)

  6. Oh these made me laugh....stilettos and ding dongs!

    And the fried foods...yes yes yes YES! MMMMMm...... we're headed to a local festival this weekend and I just KNOW being there and seeing and smelling the food is going to require copious amounts of insulin for this diabetic! lol

  7. I don't know where you parked that was 20 bucks!?! Most I've ever paid is 12 at the church lot over by the red gate. Even the fair lot is only 10 on weekdays ad 12 on weekends...
    Didn't get to take the kids this year...maybe next year they will both be big enough to enjoy it. I had fun though doing the sheep to shawl and fiber demo's.
    As for the fried food I didn't really get any...they should start deep frying insulin to go with the deep fried everything else.

  8. The kids wanted to go so bad. I don't mind it but hubby hates don't go. Maybe someday I will take them up there by myself. It looks like you got off cheap though!

  9. Those are several of the reasons I don't go. I always enjoy the food though. My daugher & SIL went this year and they talked about all the fried items like pickles!

  10. I love the fair too. Crowds and all.
    The people watching is the best part.

  11. sounds priceless. sounds interesting.. hope you had fun besides watching all the other idiots..

  12. Sounds like a fair to me! I can't believe you walked that long on a torn acl. OUCH, no way could I do that

  13. The prices are ridiculous now at the fair! We
    Went to one in September and I think we had to sell our first born for a lemonade...
    Happy Tuesday

  14. Ah the fair! I wonder what some people think as they walk out the house to go to the fair dressed the way they dress... I alway feel like I need to be sprayed down outside before I enter my home after we have been to ours!

  15. Oh yeah - times at the fair, there is ALWAYS something to talk about!! I'm still lost on the half naked people. Why? Why do they all come out at the fair? Oh, and the heels chick... seriously? Wow.

    Have a great week!

  16. I love love LOVE Fair food! The best corn dogs EVER!

    What's up with the $20 to park? Ridiculous! We don't even pay that much for NFL parking!

    Happy PINT!

  17. You know, the State Fair of TExas is going on right now and ... while I love the fair, I jsut don't want to deal with it. Am I becoming a hum bug? I just think of the crime, the drive, the stench of grease in the air from all the fried, artery clogging crap. And the thought of how much it costs to DO anything there... you need to take out a second mortgage! It's crazy!


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!