Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Weekend Wrap Wednesday ~ Halloween Mayhem!

What a fun weekend, I don't think I even had a moment to breath and still haven't had a chance to catch up. I'm trying to work on catching up :).
Friday the boys and I did our movie night. I picked up a new pizza from Papa Murphys it was so yummy!!! Of course some Hot Tamales for me :). And the Dragon pics from the cut out at Walmart :).
Next off was the costume, a while back I posted that I bought Mario & Luigi, the overalls that I got were homemade which is great but just not exactly what I was looking for. I went and picked up 3 yard of fleece and called on my amazing friend Racheal. Who made the BEST overalls ever. They were hemmed, and sew so nice and the right color buttons :). I colored the hair for the boys to be dark and they wouldn't wear mustaches so I drew some on. Talk about fun washing that all off ... lol my tub payed the price. LOT's of fun here!
Sunday after church and my bake off debacle ... oh yes I'm a sour loser hehe :). We finally did some pumpkins and hit the trunk or treat and Rick decorated the outside of the house :)
Monday Cole lost his first tooth :(, yes the "tooth fairy" remembered to come and brought a crisp dollar ... what she only would bring me a quarter ... it almost as a $20 before she took a better look at what she was putting under the pillow! Next since Cole has been having better days in school Rick is putting the train that goes around their room back together! The boys are so excited!
PHEW I think we're caught up on us, now for me to catch up on everything else. I'll be back around tomorrow fingers crossed :).


  1. I LOVE the boys costumes!! Too cute!! And the decorations look great! :-)

    Congrats to Cole on losing the first tooth! I remember not being able to sleep wondering if the tooth fairy would come to get my tooth.

    The train around the boys room is SO cool!!! I'd be excited too! :-)

  2. love the collage of photos! the costumes are so cute...my kids love Mario!

  3. Great costumes..and the first tooth? What a milestone!

  4. Busy busy. Love their costumes, so cute. Yay on the first tooth, now they come out like crazy!I'm a hot tamale girl too!

  5. Oh wow - a train running around the top of the room?! How cool!

  6. love their costumes..
    and i know i tell you this quite often.. but your kids are seriously so adorable!!

  7. Jack loves Mario and Luigi even though he is 3 and has never played the games at all - such cute costumes!

  8. You look great in your pictures. Love the hair.. The boys had a great time. Glad Cole is doing better in school and lost a tooth.. Have a wonderful day....

  9. Thank you for the follow and for supporting the hop.

    I am now following you as well. :)

    Have a great night!

  10. Wow sounds busy! Glad the costumes worked out!

  11. They look so cute! My boys would have loved to have a train like that when they were little. So glad he's doing better in school. I know you're relieved.

  12. Love the pictures from Walmart! Looks like a fun movie night.
    The costumes came out so cute. Look like Halloween was fun. The tooth fairy is always a special treat!

  13. Hi! Thank you for coming by and following! I'm now following you back :)


  14. So glad things are going better at school!

  15. The boys look great in their costumes. I had never done the whole trunk-or-treating thing until this year. Was pretty neat to just go from car to car and to see all the vehicles decorated. You did a nice job decorating the home for Halloween.


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!