Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Craft Wednesday!

Ok so I have all our Christmas pictures and weekend pictures ready to go but of course I waited too late and now I'm tired ... lol. So I give you a taste of some of the homemade gifts I made for the family. Now I heard threw the grapevine that one person thought that a homemade gift wasn't enough for another person, which really hurt but I decided that they are who they are and will always think what is done is not enough, so here is my best :) take it or leave it.
I found this awesome gift on Ain't She Crazy

Take an ordinary ornament of any color.

1) Slather the kid's hand with white paint.

2) Make a hand print on the ball, fingers pointing towards the top (where the hook is). This may be obvious, but I have to mention that it is important that they do not move their fingers once they are on the ornament. If they do, you will be on your own as to how to make those smudges into cute little snowmen keepsakes.

3) When the paint dries, begin adding details to turn the fingers into snowmen. There will be 5, in case you were wondering.

4) Make eyes, buttons, and scarves...whatever you like.

5) I added little asterisks snowflakes for kicks.

Had to make Jake a Stocking :)
Homemade gifts for the family!
Happy Wednesday everyone sorry a short and sweet post today :).


  1. Love the craft ideas.. I love crafting days.. Go Jake.. have a great day.

  2. Well, I am sure you know I could go off on a major rant about handmade and all of that but I wont. I will simply say that the best gifts I have ever recieved and the gifts that were the most satisfying to give were handmade. I have finally come to a realization that gifts are something YOU want to give to another person. Lately it has simply become buying something off a 'want' list and that is as good as handing someone cash in some cases.

  3. Those are so cute. I love the ornament, what a great idea. Love Jake's stocking! I think the cookies in the jars always make nice gifts. Great gift basket too!
    It takes time to do those things and that makes it a better gift.

  4. Those ornaments are beautiful!! The gift basket of homemade goodies is beautiful too! What a lot of work-I bet whoever received that was truly grateful. Homemade is the best! :-)

  5. Next year give that person nothing and see how much they like that.

  6. Oh my goodness love everything especially the ornaments. And you know I love the homemade cookies in a jar:) Happy New Year girl!

  7. I adore every single one of those craft gifts and if you gave me one of those, I would have cried with delight!
    The person who said it wasn't enought doesn't deserve ANYTHING!! So, don't give them anything next year.
    I think the ornament ones would be one of my most treasured ornaments on my tree. You have a heart as big as the sky and don't let anyone get you down, my friend.
    Love you to bits and tell Cole that his ornaments are THE BOMB!!


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!