Thursday, December 2, 2010

Let's Talk Commercials ... PINT Style

Only Parent Chronicles


  1. I am with you the t.v. is filled with a lot of junk and fun right now.. I know you and I can be a just like Victoria Secret if we put our mind to it.. Yeah.. I want to eat all of the yummy treats too. Have an amazing weekend.. Round Robin is next Friday if you want to join in..

  2. I'm out of the loop here as I never watch TV. I think Nick JR is on my TV way too much lol. Have a great weekend!

  3. I dont get to watch enough tv these days to pay any attention to the commercials lol

  4. You need to turn that rotten tv box off!

  5. Just remember those models are starving themselves, on pills and are airbrushed.
    As far ad Tron goes don't worry, it's not a remake, it's a you should be ok with it.
    I thought the Jack in the Box commercial was hilarious, but I was a little shocked...still, thought it was funny though...
    And yes it is mostly all crap.

  6. Totally with you on the Vicky's Secret thing. It's like a bad car accident. I hate them and I can't look away!

    Lots of yummy love,
    Alex aka Ma What's For Dinner

  7. I don't watch too many, I always FF through them. I don't like the Victoria Secret ones, just makes me sad. Off the Map looks good but I most likely won't watch it. No sense in dieting until January!!!

  8. You are making me laugh! Yeah, I want to lose 12 pounds in a normal month too...yay right they do!!!

    Don't think I have seen the JIB commercials? Hmmm...have to watch for them now.

  9. Here I am behind on controversy! I haven't seen the Jack in the Box commercials.
    And the Victoria's Secret? Yeah, I don't like those women either:)

  10. I guess I have missed these commercials too.

  11. I haven't seen VS commercials, but I get the catalog. I'm right there with ya!

  12. I. No one looks like those VS models, not even them. 2. Yes, I don't like the Jack in the box commercial either. Really? They couldn't come up with anything else. Sad.

  13. I'm so with you with the victoria secrets commercial feelings. Plus i wonder really what do they leave as a secret?


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!