Friday, January 21, 2011

Every High MUST have a low???

Yesterday started out as any day working in my PJ'S (YES I work from home so no one to dress up for). I'm enjoying my new coffee maker and my cup of coffee thinking today is ok. Caden (knock on wood) is almost 100% potty trained. Rick calls and says hey I'm off early tonight why don't you find a babysitter and we'll go to the comedy club down town? OKEY DOKEY, call a friend from church and her daughter that is in the youth group is available for the night!! I'm on cloud NINE thinking it is a good freaking day!

Then I go to Cole's school to pick him up, I at least combed my hair and put on nicer yoga pants. I don't usually go into the school, I pull up to the door and The teacher waves and Cole comes right out to the car. This time I went in to buy a SCRIPT (A Gift card for major retailer if bought threw the school they get a % and you pay the same amount). I walk in and the teacher walks over with the look NO parents wants to see!!! OH CRAP what happened, usually it's a normal chat Cole was a little hyper today but NEVER more than that. Cole is in the principals office and the principal wants to talk to you! Turns out Cole got in trouble not once but twice! First time he got up when he didn't know the answer and went over to look at a friends paper .... UGH. They worked threw it and went on then the teacher stepped out for a moment to use the bathroom and when she returned a kid said Cole called him a "Weirdo" maybe even with a little song added in! UGH UGH .... Well usually this wouldn't be a big deal he would have to apologize etc, but Cole wouldn't admit he did it! So off to the principals office and sat there for 3 HOURS since he still wouldn't admit it!!!! Ok so the kid even gives me the ebby vibe BUT NO it's not ok to call him a weirdo. Then I find out Cole has been having prob's he get's upset sometimes and tells them he wants to go back to his old school, but mom can't afford it. OOEEYY!!!! Then he sometimes say he didn't take his med's. Oh yes we had a nice ride home and dad even took him a ride and a nice talk!!!! KIDS .... I'm banging my head against the wall right now!

Rick and I did make it out on our date night after I feed the kids and put them to bed before the babysitter was dropped off. It was so nice to get out of the house, we go out maybe 2 times a year so I treasure the moments we can get away. The comedy club was fun and most of the comedians were funny! I ate food I shouldn't have and laughed so overall a good 2 1/2 hours out of the house. It was nice to put my mind at ease for just a little bit.

Rick took the babysitter home and I made myself a yummy cup of hot cocoa, it may have had just a hint of Baileys in it. What? I had a rough day! Prayers or thoughts whatever you may do that Cole has a better day at school today and will be able to move forward and NOT have a day like this again!

This is what I found in my bathroom!
Cole made a heart out of my necklace for me!!!
Got to love that little guy even with a bad day!


  1. I know just how you feel. My son had a similiar day. But "this too shall pass" thats what My Mom used to say. Glad you had a chance to go out with Hubby. I'm Jealous! Have a great day! Blessings, Joanne

  2. Praying he has a better day. How an you be upset after the necklace though:) Glad you had a nice night out, we all need them once in a while!

  3. Hoping and praying for a better day. The heart shape is adorable, though.

  4. We all have days like this. Did Cole ever say why he said that. Maybe the children were picking on him and that is what happen. When the teachers leave and children do things I think the teacher should try and figure it out on her own. Who knows what happens.. Poor guy.. I love the heart and that you got to out with Rick I am happy for you..

  5. i agree with joanne...
    'this too shall pass'...
    repeat.. then breathe!!!

    kids will always be kids..
    so glad you and rick got such an awesome time, sounds super fun!!

    have a wonderful wkend!!!!!!!

  6. These kids... I really feel for them because so often times their words take them to places their hearts know they shouldn't go.
    It isn't always easy being a little guy ❤

  7. Gotta love the highs and the lows all wrapped up together LOL. I hope he had a better day. And so happy you got to go on a date. I honestly can't remember the last time we went on a date.

  8. So glad that your day ended well--with the date, the heart-shaped necklace, and the hot cocoa! It's awesome that the date was Rick's idea, and so sweet that Cole shaped your necklace into a heart!

  9. I'm sorry your day was mixed...I hope it gets better

  10. So sorry for the bad part of you day and so happy for the good part of your day! We need to do coffee soon! Saturday? Sunday?

  11. So glad you got to go out on your date. So sorry that Cole was having
    a bad day, I will keep him in my prayers. He hearts you!

  12. Love your coffee cup!

    Dont worry too much, sometimes kids just have those kinds of days. No one wants to be nice all the time. Maybe the kid really is a weirdo! lol

  13. Hopefully things will get better. Remember we all have bad days and you probably won't even remember this in a few months.

    I'm glad you got out for a date night! It can be a hassle for us moms to get everything ready so we can get out but it's worth it.

  14. We home school and have since Kora was in first grade but she likes to say things and then not admit them too.. Just must be the age or something.. Hope he had a better day at school..

  15. :( school is hard on the kiddlets specially when its a change in school...we have found that out with Lochlan..but well its not just a new school for us country! New culture! He is already dreadin goin back to school...but im hopin come Jan 31st his first day of 2nd grade goes off without any problems! Glad u n the hubster got out and had a few hours together! Its nice to do once in a while and u sure deserve it darling!

  16. What a wonderful heart your son left for you. Hope that he has a better day today. One of my grandson's gives parents and teachers a challenge at times. Glad that you had fun at the comedy club. We all need a little laugh once in awhile.
    Thanks for becoming my newest follower. I will be back to read your postings.

  17. OH, poor Cole. Wish he could go back to his other school. I'm sorry he is having such a hard time. Give him a hug for me. I know it's no excuse to misbehave, but it's really hard at his age, plus I see he understood you and Rick by the adorable heart he left you... what a sweet thing for him to do.
    So sweet that Rick took you out on his day off - I do believe that he is starting to "get" it!!
    You look so pretty in both the red and the black. BTW, I love hot cocoa with Baileys.


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!