Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Weekend Wrap Wednesday ~ I think I may have sat some point?

Our weekends are usually crazy busy but this weekend was over the top! And guess what next weekend is looking the same :(.
Rick was earning some great brownie points! Gave the puppy a bath, used my new shark to mop the floor and showed up with roses for me. He's finally getting the hang of being a little romantic and helping out.
Saturday was a NUT house! First started with 6am working until 9am. 10am we hit Lowe's kids clinic! The boys love these, I think I do MOST of the work and have to use my mom stern voice a few times :).
Then home to for a nap and then back out we went! We stopped up at my parents house lasted about 20 minutes and my parents house which is like a museum of fine arts and antiques could no longer hold us :). 2:30pm we hit our first birthday part, it started at 3pm but we had to go early since we had another party at the same time. Of course the SeaHawks were playing and this is a big football family, so the first part of the party was the adults watching the game. Bad day for a party, but who the heck would have thunk we would be at that game.

My boys are so me and just plopped their butts down to eat :).
And we're off to a 2nd Birthday party, thankfully the game was wrapping up and we got there just in time for the cake (best part) and guess what plenty of food :)! The boys had fun, but a little at the breaking point ... hehe. But we did go overall and guess what we still had to hit the grocery store. And oh yeah I had to work my Saturday night job at 11:30pm. Oh yes it was a LONG day!
Sunday was church, home to do some cleaning, met up with Rick for lunch and then I tackled the pantry and drawers. Can I tell you I love Rubbermaid (no they didn't give me any I bought all my own, but it rocks). I do everything from the bulk section so it is best to put in a way I can see it and organized.
Ok I'm pooped just typing this and guess what next Saturday I found out we have the same thing going on except for the kids clinic so hey maybe I can get a nap in :).


  1. GIRL! Im just exhausted from reading about ur wkend! WoW i wouldnt be able to pull that off lol ur a fantastic mum and an amazing wife! YOU ROCK! :) Loving the locks of curls ur rocking out there!

  2. You and your family wear me out with your busy weekends. It sounds fun too. I wish I were that organized but I've started buying in bulk more too so that rubbermaid could really come in handy. Great idea!

  3. OMG! I'm tired just reading this!
    I'm a Rubbermaid lover too, we have a Winco with a great bulk department :)

  4. That reminds me...I need to go pick up another big rubbermaid bin for Jakes train stuff...So glad you were able to make it to the party and Thank you so much for bringing the Monster trucks...Jake has been having a blast with them as he has just gotten into 'Monster Truck Mater' of the Pixar shorts and now he has monster trucks to 'wrassel.'

  5. thanks for the follow, following you back

  6. Those Lowes kids clinics are pretty great. The two parties in a weekend would kill me. You are so busy always!

  7. I love rubbermaid too.
    You need a nap - for like a month.

  8. Wow!! I couldn't keep up.
    Those flowers sure are pretty.
    Your a fantastic wife, mom and friend :)

  9. Yeah for Rick! I'm sure that helped you not feel *so* exhausted. Why can't men get the hint all the time?

  10. wait a second... I 'm calling my husband over right now to show him the picture with the roses.......Ok done. Great post, but suddenly i feel really tired...almost....ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

  11. Yeah what a nice and fun weekend.. I love all that Rick did for you.. That is so sweet. I loved the roses that was sweet. You are such a pretty lady.. Have a great evening my friend..

  12. I love your posts, blow by blow, I wonder if anyone will get the blow one day...front force trauma for having too many parties on the same day LOL

    Love the flowers!

  13. Holy moly! I need a nap from just reading all that!

  14. Oh my... you must sleep very well each and every night!
    But how much fun it all sounds too!

  15. Another whirlwind, eh?
    I was able to keep up with my blog throughout Dec, but still trying to catch up with everyone else!

    Hope you had a wonderful holiday.....

  16. Round Robin is tomorrow if you want to join in..

  17. Seriously you are one of the busiest people I know!

  18. One busy mama... Hope you get some rest in soon.. I know I have a weekend planned in cleaning too but it depends on what I get done tomorrow.. Hope all is well. I have my latest blanket up in my blog..

  19. Wow! What a crazy weekend! Just found your blog and am enjoying the read :)

  20. Wow! You are one energetic woman. Congrats on getting so much accomplished.

  21. crazy busy lady you are... but i mist say... GO rick!!!

    happy friday dear!!!!!!!!!!!

  22. Holy crap, Alexis. You are making me tired just reading this... how do you do this? You need to learn to say NO to somebody.
    I think Rick is being pretty terrific, those roses are gorgeous. Not to mention that your hair looks beautiful up like that.
    Get some rest during the week for next weekend - HaHa!!

  23. And I thought my weekends were busy! Think Rick can talk my husband into buying me some flowers?!


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!