Monday, April 25, 2011

Manic Monday ~ Dinner, Snack & Something Sweet

As you may have noticed lately I’ve been cutting down on calories and fat in all meals.  I’ve found some amazing sites that have helped and things that have been hits with the boys too!

First off was a great snack that was so yummy!  Super Healthy Kids Blog posted this great way to get kids to eat their veggies and love it Smile.


Stuffed Zucchini Pizza Boats

<p>These were so yummy and you didn&#8217;t need any meat to make them filling!</p>

See Stuffed Zucchini Pizza Boats on Key Ingredient.

My boys LOVE chicken strips and instead of giving them ones that are fried and full of grease I’m finding new ones that the boys love.  This recipe I actually saw being made on THE TALK by Rocco DiSpirito.  This Chicken Amandine was great!


Chicken Amandine

<p>A yummy baked chicken strips that the kids would love!</p>

See Chicken Amandine on Key Ingredient.

Next up was a yummy Broccoli and Cheese Mini Egg Omelets that was so yummy and light!


Broccoli and Cheese Mini Egg Omelets (WW 2pts)

<p>Looking for something light that can be for breakfast or even dinner!</p>

See Broccoli and Cheese Mini Egg Omelets (WW 2pts) on Key Ingredient.

And for something yummy and fruity!  Well you have to try this recipe, it was originally a Whole Wheat Blueberry Muffins recipe but since I used the ONE and only tin I had for the recipe above so this became bread instead Smile.


Whole Wheat Blueberry Bread - WW 4 Points

<p>Looking for something sweet that won&#8217;t make you feel too guilty!</p>

See Whole Wheat Blueberry Bread - WW 4 Points on Key Ingredient.

Happy Monday, I think I may go lie down now … hehe!  Busy Busy Weekend Cole’s party & Easter … I thought my head might explode but thankfully (I guess) it’s still there Smile.


  1. I am definitely going to try the zuccinni pizza boats - what an awesome idea! And the omlets in muffin tins? i think I have a new way of making breakfast!

  2. all of these look so good! can't wait to try them all!

  3. Yum the zucchini boats look yummy, minus the olives lol. I make a whole wheat blueberry bread similar. Need to get my muffin recipe up. Hope you had a great weekend!

  4. Mmmm, I love zucchini and we get sooooo much of it when the garden comes in.

  5. I think it's awesome that your kids will try new foods...over here if it's not made the exact same way every time my son won't go near frustrating!!! Blessings, Joanne

  6. I want to make that bread. I had some at a brunch on Sunday and loved the Blueberry bread.. Hope you had an amazing weekend..

  7. Those look so good! Will definitely have to try the zucchini boats with zucchini from the garden this summer...maybe the kiddos will actually eat zucchini another way besides in bread-LOL!

    The mini egg omelets look awesome too! Maybe I should try growing broccoli this summer :-)

  8. I love all the hard work you put into cooking for your family. Your a great mom/wife. I can't wait to try these, those zucchini boats look so good!

  9. WOW, those omelets look awesome!
    As do the blueberry mini-breads.
    You are doing an amazing job cutting back on the fat and calories and making things that are terrific for your kids.
    SuperMom is at it again!! =)

  10. OOOH more winners and thanks for the link to another great site to check out! :) Always love the tried-n-true! :)


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!